遠射戰術相關文章 NO.1 - 線上

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2013-05-23T14:20

Table of Contents

Interview with VyCKa (2121398),
whose team Fc Atlantas (483359) is playing in the Lithuanian A Lyga.

-How did you come to Hattrick?
It was when I was 13 years old,
I was playing football and I always loved to play managers,
and one day it was IT show on TV, where they showed this game,
and I decided to start play it.


-Why did you decide to build a LS team? How to play your team before?
My friend which who I was talking a lot about tactics and so on,
he showed me some team from another countries and I decided that
I don't have any tactics for the future,
and it will be pretty good tactic for me.


-How did you begin rebuilding team for this tactic?
At once all the sold out and bought a new team or it took place gradually?

Don’t remember actually, but I had a good average team in Lithuania II
division if I remember,
but I saw that I don’t any perspectives to win II league and be promoted
to A league, so it was easy choice. I had money from my old times,
when I was skilltraiding, daytraiding and so on,
at one moment I was one of the richest people in Lithuania.


-What players you buy and what skills they are training?
I'm buying 15-17 main skill, 5-7 forward skill and training SP and shooting


-Is it necessary to the player to have Specialities?
You are getting more opportunities to score,
but found good player with specialities, main skill,
forward skill and SP are pretty hard,
so everybody who want to start I offer to buy players without,
and later, when you have enough money you can change players from
without specialities, in to players with ;) I have 10 headers + goalkeeper


-How do you decide the problem of replacement older players on younger?
Or the players just get old in a team?

You know I have some money with who I can replace my older players,
so I'm trying to replace step by step, I always watching transfer zone,
and when I found good player who is okay for me I just bought it,
and sell my old ones.


-Do you can make a profit from the training of their players?
At this point I'm not getting profit from training, but it’s already
2nd my season when I’m going in CUP last season to Quarterfinals,
know I also are pretty far, so I enough money from my Stadium+Cup

Do can(?文法錯誤)是否能夠從訓練他們的球員中獲利?

-What do you think is it possible to build a LS team with a strong wing attack?
I was talking with my friend about wing attack,
but we decided that it pretty impossible to do that,
because : if you have strong wing you will have to sacrifice defense or midfield,
who is suicide, because : even if you will have strong win attack,
with LS you getting just about ~20% chances in that side,
what is too less, that it will be profitable to sacrifice so much
just for 20% and even with that 20% you may not utilize all of you chances.


-What do you need so that your LS team can win the Masters?
I think it will be pretty hard to win Masters with this tactic,
but everything I will need is that all my players will have divine loyalty,
I need to increase my tactic to divine, and just some luck


-What players would you most like to have in an ideal LS Dream Team?
16-17 main skill, SP WC+ and forward formidable/outstanding and loyalty,
everything you need to win EVERYTHING :))


-What can you advise managers who are just beginning to build a LS team?
Hmmm, I think it is pretty hard to start from 0,
I will not offer this tactic to start your game,
because it will be pretty boring (because of tactics),
it is pretty hard to get profit from trainings. But if you decided,
everything you need to play players with specialities :
HEADER, forward skill minimum : passable/solid,
SP passable/solid and the main skill from money you have,
the better main skill you can afford for yourself,
the easier will be to play ;)


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All Comments

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2013-05-26T13:36
WC = world class 獨步天下(13)級別
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2013-05-29T10:45
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2013-05-30T22:58
版上現在有人在打造遠射球隊嗎 ?
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2013-06-03T17:57
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2013-06-08T08:03
有個四聯的球隊, 經理取名叫藍怕得的 !!
有興趣遠射的球隊應該也是有的 !!
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2013-06-10T19:31
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2013-06-13T03:36
遠射隊伍造價不斐啊XD 之前有稍微研究過...
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2013-06-14T12:25
10個頭球球員, 暈倒 !! 超威的
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-06-15T07:42
本文已收錄至精華區 : 成年隊 -- 戰術討論 -- 遠射

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Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2013-05-23T13:39
本文於2011.10.21 由法羅群島玩家Maverick_Bluehair發表於Wing Market andamp; Discussion論壇 In Chapter 2 Hattrick defines “Wing skill” as “the ability to finish off scori ...

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Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-05-23T12:56
本文於2011.10.21 由法羅群島玩家Maverick_Bluehair發表於Wing Market andamp; Discussion論壇 a. How competitive is my league? 我的聯賽小組競爭力強不強 ? If your league is very ...

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Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2013-05-23T11:24
本文發表於2011.10.21 由法羅群島玩家Maverick_Bluehair發表於Wing Market andamp; Discussion論壇 I. Reasons why newcomers should not train winger. 新球隊不應該選擇訓練邊鋒的理由 a. The ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2013-05-23T11:02
最近剛出的大富翁 讓沒在練的分身也有事做 還不錯 有幾點問題請教 1.同一個關卡 黃金鑰匙有時拿2把有時拿1把 是因為過關速度? 要越快越好還是越緊迫越好? 2.找歌淑那關 沒一次找到的 他位置是隨機嗎? 找到是只要靠近他就算找到還是要滑鼠點他才算找到? 懇請解答 謝謝 - ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2013-05-23T10:21
※ 引述《bolam (95 10 23步排入伍)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《bolam (95 10 23步排入伍)》之銘言: : : 標題: [閒聊] 徵文活動+翻譯活動已開始 : : 時間: Tue May 14 10:40:59 2013 : 1. PsicoTSI Project ...