邊鋒系列談 1 -- 新球隊應該/不應該訓練邊鋒理由 - 線上

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2013-05-23T11:24

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由法羅群島玩家Maverick_Bluehair發表於Wing Market & Discussion論壇

I. Reasons why newcomers should not train winger.

a. The optimal winger or wingback can contribute to many different areas
of your team: wing attack, defense, passing, playmaking.
Specialties on these players enhance their appeal and effectiveness.
With the number of relevant secondary skills, selection of trainees,
bidding and selling is too difficult for many newcomers.

原因1 : 好的邊鋒以及邊後衛對球隊的邊路進攻、防守、傳球、以及


b. The wingback slots, which represent 4 of the 8 total trainable positions,
are difficult for even experienced users to employ profitably.

原因2 : 邊鋒訓練有8個訓練位,邊後衛就佔了4個,

c. There is a significant risk that the team will not be competitive in
midfield compared to playmaking training.
For all the changes made to midfield the last couple of seasons,
it still is the only deciding factor in the allocation of chances.
Losing midfield seriously harms your chances of winning the match.

原因3 : 跟選擇訓練組織進攻相比,你很可能在中場位居劣勢,

II. Reasons why newcomers should train wing.

a. You will quickly be able to create quality multiskill players,
since wing training is fast.

原因1 : 因為邊鋒技能訓練的速度比較快,

b. You will quickly be able to generate significant levels of wing attack.

原因2 : 你可以因此堆出不錯的邊路進攻評級。

c. You have the possibility of generating capital very quickly which can be
used to fund team improvements,
buying better trainees or switching to another training regime.

原因3 : 你有機會透過訓練邊鋒快速累積金錢,

d. The speed of wing training creates a feeling of rapid improvement
which is good for enjoyment of game and morale.

原因4 : 因為邊鋒技能的訓練速度比較快,

e. Training wing may be better than playmaking as a short term strategy
for boosting midfield if it generates enough profit to put in low cost,
experienced inner midfielders, rather than inexperienced trainees.

原因5 : 如果你能以低價購入有經驗的不錯的中場球員的前提下,

f. Particularly with the recent changes to the game engine
(winter 2009/spring 2010),
wing training may be a tactically and financially sound long term
strategy as the majority of users still concentrate on central attack
and defense.

原因6 : 特別針對2009年冬天以及2010年春天的遊戲改版而言,




8. 戰略高手 --> 9. G_Online --> 2. Hattrick

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All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2013-05-27T11:48
= =,所以該買PM高的來練邊鋒還是練組織阿= =|
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2013-05-30T00:17
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2013-06-03T18:56
第五點, 不要誤會他的意思, 我覺得他這點寫的很狡猾
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2013-06-04T03:30
第五點基本上它還是練邊鋒, 只是低價買進已經練好的中場
並不是要你買中場, 然後丟去邊鋒訓練位
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2013-06-09T01:56
另外靠中邊鋒, 靠後邊鋒, 靠前邊封 普通邊風
需要的輔助技能不同, 所以如果你戀邊封
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-06-10T11:15
看你想打造怎樣的球隊, 再選適合的訓練瞄進來練
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-06-12T07:28
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2013-06-13T11:47
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2013-06-14T01:14
嗯嗯, 這是一個選擇 !!
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2013-06-14T18:57
我想I.b是說 邊後衛佔了8個訓練位中的4個,但即使老手
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2013-06-18T07:44
已修正 !!


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2013-05-23T11:02
最近剛出的大富翁 讓沒在練的分身也有事做 還不錯 有幾點問題請教 1.同一個關卡 黃金鑰匙有時拿2把有時拿1把 是因為過關速度? 要越快越好還是越緊迫越好? 2.找歌淑那關 沒一次找到的 他位置是隨機嗎? 找到是只要靠近他就算找到還是要滑鼠點他才算找到? 懇請解答 謝謝 - ...

17.45 不可預測 組織穩定苗

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2013-05-22T23:24
轉會到期最後期限(台灣時間) : 2013/05/15 23:07 球員姓名 : 鄭 (Zheng) 爍天 (Shuotian) 球員ID : 380438164 球員年紀 : 17.45 特技 : 不可預測 經驗 : 2 領導能力 : 4 (以上兩欄,可填可不填, 自行判斷) TS ...

L34主線 無法跟NPC講話 解任務

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-05-22T22:05
我跟我同學一起玩龍之谷 主線任務解到Lv34 要去跟山洞裡的velskud 講話 velskud頭上有問號~可是當我要對話時~我有對準出現and#34;....and#34; 但點到~很快就跳出來~根本無法對話andgt;and#34;andlt; 這樣根本解不了主線~ 可是~任務需要的p ...

PTTNew Cup缺人中~

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2013-05-22T19:07
第一次在本版發文at0at 剛收到bolam大的信件 才知道原來薪加入有三十天的支持者 所以就辦了個錦標賽啦~ 還在摸索這個遊戲QQand#34; 精華區的文章也看了不少 慢慢研究 有人要一起來踢踢錦標賽嗎0.0? 比賽名稱:PTTNew Cup (1273407) 目前缺三個人! - ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2013-05-22T16:44
: 推 nihilatus:自信心的問題是什麼呢? 05/17 16:48 : → bolam:自信心太高有可能會輕敵 XD 05/17 16:57 : → bolam:(我是認真的 ...