Yabause v0.9.8 - 模擬器

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2008-12-01T12:13

Table of Contents


Release Name: 0.9.8

So we’re beginning that Christmas shopping season. But why bother going out
and shopping? There’s a new Yabause release!

This new release fix a number of bugs and add mouse support. The windows port
installer is now done with NSIS. Please uninstall any older copies before
using the new installer. Sorry for the inconvenience.

- Fixed a bug in software renderer with rotating
opengl video core:
- Added gouraud shading and mesh processing.
This is not enabled by default.
software video core:
- Fixed user clipping.
gtk port:
- Added mouse support.
- Configuration dialog now displays key names instead
of values. Also made it so each different configuration
is saved. This broke compatibility with old .ini files.
windows port:
- Support for spaces in filenames when using CLI.
- Added mouse support.
- Added cheat search.
- Added mouse emulation.
- Added de, es, it, pt-br and sv translations
- Support for "out of src" build.
- Fixed compilation for non supported platforms.
For instance this should fix compilation on dragonfly bsd.
Fixed compilation on GNU/Hurd too.


All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2008-12-05T11:17

Demul 0.4.9 WIP Release

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2008-12-01T12:11
http://forum.emu-russia.net/viewtopic.php?f=25andamp;t=503andamp;start=20#p5046 Changes: - OGL1 and DX plugins are removed; - added debug version of the e ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-12-01T08:20
這算是脫衣麻將界少見的四人麻將作品(只看超任本身的話,四人麻將還挺多的)。 因為硬體限制而無法像PC-E版那樣放脫衣動畫, SETA在製作這款時還是有放些彌補用的創意進去,但玩家買不買帳就是另一回事了:p 日文名:スーパーリアル麻雀PⅤパラダイス オールスター4人打ち 英文名:Super Real Mahjo ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-12-01T00:22
想請問有玩過外面大台電動的朋友 之前有一款類似越南大戰的射擊遊戲 可能是8年前出的 人物好像有四隻可以選擇 對方子彈幾乎都是原形或是橢圓形的 有某一關的王好像是坦克 重點我只記得~跳起來閃子彈可以無敵 有時候是直向有時候橫向 跳的時候有八個方向~跳起來翻滾不會被子彈打到 好像也不是一發就死~ ...

FC 大盜五右衛門外傳2 天下的財寶

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-11-30T23:33
找了好久 找不到這個攻略耶... 只有找到日文攻略... 但是日文不太行 他沒漢字~囧.... 有人有找到這中文攻略嗎??... - ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-11-30T22:30
咳~... 這是當年我小5、小6的時候...(爆年紀 冏) 玩的一款SS的遊戲 atatand#34; 內容是~ 男性主角,在一個類似大富翁的地圖上到處旅遊~ 一開始會先選擇旅遊的期限 然後在各地遇到各個女孩子~ 一開始會先認識~ 然後一樣繼續著各自的旅行~ 當然地圖上會有各女孩子目前所 ...