(WIP) ScummVM WIP - A New Month, A New Engine! - 模擬器

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2011-04-18T09:12

Table of Contents


Continuing our incredible pace of one announcement per month, we're
proud to be able to ask you to grab your copies of Hugo's trilogy(DOS
or Windows version) and try them out in ScummVM using the latest daily
build .

The games supported (Hugo's House of Horror, Hugo 2: Whodunit? and Hugo
3: Jungle of Doom) are still available for sale on the author's site.
So buy them if you don't own them, copy the required data files and give
them a try!

Don't hesitate to report any bugs you find in the bugtracker , following
our bug submission guidelines .

Screenshots are welcome too, as usual!




All Comments

惡魔城 月下夜想曲

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2011-04-18T07:28
※ 引述《tsaiminghan (nahgnimiast)》之銘言: : : 推 cin66887:謝謝M大,現在已經可以掛載cue檔了,可是模擬器沒辦法 04/17 23:54 : : → cin66887:執行光碟...點光碟機只會出現一堆資料夾,卻找不到可以 04/17 23:55 : ...

惡魔城 月下夜想曲

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-04-18T03:23
※ 引述《tsaiminghan (nahgnimiast)》之銘言: : 推 cin66887:謝謝M大,現在已經可以掛載cue檔了,可是模擬器沒辦法 04/17 23:54 : → cin66887:執行光碟...點光碟機只會出現一堆資料夾,卻找不到可以 04/17 23:55 : → ci ...

MedGui v1.78

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-04-17T23:31
http://forum.fobby.net/index.php?t=msgandamp;goto=1501andamp; MedGui v1.78 is released. MedGui is a GUI (Frontend) for Mednafen WINDOW OS. MedGui v1.78 C ...

PocketSNES v7.2.0

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-04-17T23:25
http://www.gp32spain.com/foros/showthread.php?s=41a4637b485c9b334f5523df0aad75 d5andamp;t=82127 PocketSNES v7.2.0 is released. PocketSNES is a Super Ninte ...

Agat Emulator v1.20

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-04-17T23:22
http://sourceforge.net/projects/agatemulator/ Agat Emulator v1.20 is released. Agat Emulator is an Apple ][ and Agat 7/9 (soviet clones of apple) software ...