Agat Emulator v1.20 - 模擬器

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-04-17T23:22

Table of Contents

Agat Emulator v1.20 is released. Agat Emulator is an Apple ][ and Agat 7/9
(soviet clones of apple) software simulation program for Win32.

Agat Emulator v1.20 Changelog:

Changes in the version 1.20

New configuration window gives advanced control over emulation of all systems:
* Specify if it is necessary to start systems in full-screen mode or in
windowed (default);
* Specify if emulated systems should continue to run in background (without
focus to window);
* Enable or disable sound effects for floppy drives;
* Enable or disable new internal debugger;
* Specify disassembly mode in the debugger;
* Select one of two possible screen update algorithms: "Synchronous update"
to fully simulate video memory or "Synchronous update off" to increase
performance on slow machines.

Also this version of Agat Emulator contains internal debugger, compatible by
commands with original System Monitor.
To enable debugger, select appropriate checkbox in global settings window,
then press F8 key during emulation (or select context menu item).
To close debugger, enter "Q" command.
To get short help message, enter "?" command.

Good luck!


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