PocketSNES v7.2.0 - 模擬器

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-04-17T23:25

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PocketSNES v7.2.0 is released. PocketSNES is a Super Nintendo (SNES) emulator
for the GP2X and Gizmondo.

PocketSNES v7.2.0 Changelog:
- Added: Caanoo release into release cycle (OABI)
- Added: GP2X release into release cycle (not tested, just a direct port).
- Added: Screenshots capture in PNG format.
- Added: Screenshots displaying on ROM selection screen (.PNG format).
- Added: Options in INI format (options/config.ini)
Just two options right now: theme and lastloaded ROM
- Added: Theming support to menu (.ini file + PNG files).
Take a look at default.ini in themes folder for a nice example
INI file must be at themes/theme_name.ini
PNG files must be at themes/theme_name/*.png folder.
- Added: Default theme (graphics by XiM).
- Added: Long ROM filenames scrolling in ROM listing.
- Added: Remember last selected ROM in ROM listing even when exit from
- Added: New raster processing system: emulation speeded up a lot (take a
look at Pugsley's Scavenger hunt laboratory stage).
- Added: Lots of optimizations in graphics, CPU Assembly core and APU
Assembly core. Speed improvements.
- Fixed: Several bugs in graphics, sound and Assembly CPU cores. Increased
- Fixed: Slowdown after a few minutes playing. (OS asked to asign maximum
priority to the emu)


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