(WIP) David Haywood's Homepage - 模擬器

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2015-11-26T00:28

Table of Contents


"Bugs we didn’t see coming.."

Sometimes it’s difficult to know if the emulation of a game is correct
without studying reference videos, and sometimes those reference videos don’
t surface until much later.

That was the case with the FACE shooter Nostradamus, which has a number of
video effects we didn’t know were missing until they were highlighted by
somebody watching a 1CC (1 Credit Clear) of the game recorded from a PCB.

There were a number of effects, including a sprite masking effect and a
shadow flicker effect missing, as well as the arms of the final boss (this
one we did actually suspect was a bug for a long time, the PCB evidence
provided confirmation)

I’ve uploaded a recording of the game after making several fixes to YouTube
(the video has cheats enabled, it’s not meant to be a gameplay video) You’
ll probably want to make sure you’re watching a 60fps version.


Here are some links to specific parts of the video

Stage 6 Boss appearing – This is a masking / stencil effect created by
putting a sprite behind the background layer causing it to cut holes in other
sprites without being directly visible

Stage 7 Boss appearing – This flickering shadow is not actually a sprite and
is done by using the tilemap enable register, turning it on and off every few
frames, previously the tilemaps were alwyas enabled and the shadow was
displayed as solid.

Final Boss arms – The arms are priority 0 sprites, and due to the way we
cleared the priority buffer to 0 they were never being displayed.

來源 http://mamedev.emulab.it/haze/

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