(WIP) David Haywood's Homepage - 模擬器

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2012-10-10T20:27

Table of Contents


Isn’t 3×3 actually NINE?

Mariusz Wojcieszek submitted a driver for a Korean game called ’3*3

He doesn’t have a WIP page, and I helped with the driver (just a
simple graphic decode plus a few minor fixes like adding the 2nd
button mind you) so I’ll show it here.

It comes in 2 flavors, one with adult images, and one without. The
images I’m showing are from the non-adult version.

I’d write something interesting about it, but it really isn’t that
interesting at all, it’s just 3 poorly programmed near shovelware
quality mini-games, a columns rip-off, a tile matching game, and a
version of othello.

Hardware wise it stands as one of an odd group of platforms which
lacks any kind of sprites at all, the whole thing is just 3 tilemap
layers with ROM based graphics, which is rather limiting. I plan on
doing an article highlighting some examples of games using such a
configuration, a couple might surprise you, but this one does nothing
to even attempt to hide the limitations, simply presenting a set of
very basic games.

It can change resolutions, which is an unusual trick for non-major
manufacturer games to do, the 2nd game uses that to run at a higher
resolution than the others, but that’s the only real trick the
hardware has. It might be able to scroll too (you can see a bad line
of tiles in the 2nd game which might be because there’s currently
no scrolling hooked up) but that’s hardly something to write home






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Mednafen 0.9.25-WIP

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2012-10-10T20:14
http://forum.fobby.net/index.php?t=msgandamp;th=806andamp;start=0andamp; Note that some PS1 Square games (particularly and#34;Chrono Crossand#34;, and and ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2012-10-10T11:41
照慣例先從人物開始介紹吧? 生日之類的是參考設定集,原文語氣就像是該角色填個人資料的感覺,所以保留。 本作人設是[ヤスダスズヒト],代表作,漫畫《夜櫻四重奏》。 有不少人因為討厭這個作者的畫風而不玩這作品,個人是覺得很可惜啦。 不妨看看這個劇情文後,再來決定要不要玩吧? http://image.jbook. ...

整理模擬器及ROM心得 - (一) Preface

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2012-10-10T09:59
最近突然心血來潮想來玩玩模擬器,結果踏入了不歸路(?)。而為什麼會想寫這系列文 的原因,是希望能跟版上大家一起交流討論 (可能有很多觀念有錯的也歡迎糾正),並 且以後忘記某些設定可以給自己參考,還可以幫自己加深印象整理思維。應該很多人 會發現,小弟的第一篇文章就奉獻在這裡了XD ============== ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2012-10-09T22:46
終於全路線全破和擊破隱藏BOSS了,呼。 不過全路線全破的時間比魔神轉生二快多了,分歧點果然該在後面點啊XD 本篇先從OP曲和官網資料開始吧? ═══════════════════════════════════════ ˙本作官網 http://ds.atlusnet.jp/index.ht ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2012-10-09T22:45
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAzzbrFgcUwandamp;feature=youtu.be 其實還蠻強大的 - ...