(Watara Supervision) SuperVisionX - 模擬器

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-05-07T13:50

Table of Contents


Watara Supervision :

- Given the full “Madmab Edition” treatment.

- New dual-preview skin to support Ressurection Xtra’s. Say thank
you to Gilou9999 for the skin.

-“Auto Game Configurations (aka Configuration defaults)” added
(see below description).

-“Move Selected to the Garbage Folder?” now has a new option..
“Never Move”. So “Yes” will ask before moving the selected
file to the Garbage folder. “No” will just move the file and
“Never Move” won’t move the file at all.

- New feature “Seconds before playing movie” determines how long
the emu will wait before playing a movie. The default is half a
second. This will help speed up rom browsing. Especially useful
for people streaming stuff (like movies) across the network.

- If streaming movies from across the network and the user press on
the dpad or a, b, x or y the emulator will abort the transfer.
This should help speed up rom browsing and allow the user an “out”
especially for the larger movies.

- Pressing the back key while viewing a games synopsis will toggle
between a fixed font and the skins proportional font.

- Fixed an issue with the software filters displaying garbage.

- Activated the “Keep user Within ROM Directory Tree?” which I
somehow missed.

- Fixed up the box/cart art position on a few skins.

- Fixed a problem where setting the box/cart orientation was screwed up.

- Fixed the bug that screwed up Gilou’s skin to begin with (too
weird to explain).



谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 田 中 將 林 昌 勇


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(Odyssey 2 for XBox) OdysseyX

George avatar
By George
at 2010-05-07T13:31
2010.05.05 Odyssey 2 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odyssey_2 Looks like x-port (or someone) was working on updating Odyssey to the l ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-05-07T12:26
基本上它算事 彈平系列的 不過跟SEGA的不太同 在助跑完 可以划過中線再做攻擊 然後魔球也不適用按出來的 主要要到後面會自己學到 有次數限制 有人玩過這款嗎? 以前國小同學借我玩 看我覺得好玩 沒幾天就吵著要回去了= = 現在突然想起想重溫舊夢 希望有人能幫圓夢^^ - ...

Vcc 1.41

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2010-05-07T11:59
http://vcc6809.x10hosting.com/ Version 1.41 05/05/2010 DOCUMENTATION IS HORIBLY OUT OF DATE, Iand#39;m working on it. Finally updated the Virtual Hard D ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-05-07T09:31
這款遊戲是2人的合力闖關的遊戲 1P是男生 2P是女生 印象中是固定的不能選擇 好像大部分的場景都是在類似礦坑的地方 其中有一個地方是主角做在礦車上面打小兵 主角大概跟大型機台的洛克人那麼大而已 好像不知道吃了什麼還是怎樣會變成全身金色的 打人好像也會比較痛 印象中好像沒有使用到武器 就是 ...

[SFC] Axelay

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2010-05-07T06:52
Axelay 這個標題一打 相信就有很多版友共鳴啦~~~ 它也是不才在下小時候沒眼睛 但狗屎運收到實體卡匣的經典之一~ 但手殘如我 實體只能全破easy 囧and#34; 過了快二十年還是一樣不長進XD 搜尋到的gameplay(hard) http://www.youtube.com/wa ...