Stella release 3.1.2 - 模擬器

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-05-04T16:05

Table of Contents

Stella release 3.1.2 for Linux, MacOS X and Windows is now available.
- Modified 'showinfo' command to accept levels of output, where increasingly
larger numbers provide more debug output. Related to this, added UI item to
modify 'showinfo'.
- Updated DPC+ bankswitch scheme to latest specifications, including support
for 32K ROMs with ARM code (the ARM code is ignored for now).
- Fixed bug in saving patched ROMs using DPC and DPC+ bankswitch schemes; the
saved image didn't actually include any changes made by the user.
- Removed 'uselauncher' from the UI, since disabling it will remove the ROM
launcher on all future runs, and not allow one to enable it again. It's still
available from the commandline, for those that have a need for it.

Have Fun!


All Comments


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-05-04T15:37
不曉得這和模擬器有沒關係, 曙光格鬥天書目前出到0.17版, (2009年10月前格鬥遊戲招式表,密技一網打盡) 可是我目前他給的分割檔還有點搞不清楚怎麼執行, 不過我找到的最新版本是0.16 (2009年3月前) 現在分享給大家吧! ...

Kale's WIP (2010/05/03)

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-05-04T14:32 Found the reason that kept The House of the Dead 2 / The Typing of the Dead to crash without any log, it was an int32 overf ...

PCSX2 0.97

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-05-04T14:22
PCSX2 0.97 有辦法使用金手指嗎? 我把0.96的patch檔貼過去 也開了使用patch 進去後還是沒有效果 - ...

N64掌機化 --> iNto64

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-05-04T14:20;feature=player_embedded 改造過程記錄: ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2010-05-04T13:54
雖然前輩講話有點衝,不好聽, 不過我相當同意他的話, 在hip-hop版,西洋音樂版對於求檔早有相當的限制, 一堆人只會問and#34;請問有首.....,哪裡找得到?and#34; 看了自己都有氣,我是因為想玩辛普森家庭而知道模擬器這東西, 上禮拜來我也被某些人震撼教育, 不過我敢說我也是自己真的遇到卡 ...