SDLMESS v0.128 - 模擬器

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-10-23T11:46

Table of Contents

The latest version is 0.128. This fully-packaged version is deprecated due to
the fast-moving nature of MESS development, but I’ll update it on integer
MESS releases. New in this version: all the stuff from SDLMAME 0.128 and MESS
0.128. Lots of fixes and system improvements in this one!

Note that the SDLMESS components are an official part of the MESS Subversion
repository and the checked-in version there is kept up to date, so that’s
the recommended way to get SDLMESS while saving some bandwidth.


All Comments

AGEMAME v0.128

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-10-23T11:45 Finally back to updating things - hopefully there should be a few speedups for Scorpion 2 AWPs thanks to some mapping fi ...

Jpcsp v0.09 (revision 649)

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-10-23T11:44 What′s new revision 624 shows a bit progress on Tales of Eternia game. Note: game is stucking after namco screen and doesn′t go fu ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-10-23T09:56
印象非常的模糊,還沒上小學時, 哥哥從朋友那邊借了一款遊戲, 內容是橫向的捲軸遊戲, 玩家可以選擇兩種動物進行關卡, 一種是恐龍,另外一隻看起來有點像是蛾 恐龍只能作地面攻擊, 蛾的攻擊模式跟飛機類似, 由於是小時候的記憶, 實在沒有辦法再描述更多, 有板上神人可以告訴我是什麼遊戲嗎?? 謝謝~~ - ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2008-10-23T08:46
最近想升級成vista 64bit 但在調查軟硬體相容性時 發現網路上好像有滿多人無法執行zsnes的 這是我滿喜歡的一個emu 懷舊的操作方式、(個人覺得)銳利的音樂質感、可以完整的抓下spc檔 都是我喜歡它的原因 不知道板上有沒有人使用vista/vista 64bit 並成功的執行這個模擬器呢? - ...

一個任天堂的遊戲 有龍跟城堡的

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-10-23T05:04
一個拿劍的主角 要選山 或者城堡 進去城堡或者山裡面是迷宮 要殺掉龍 或者巫師之類的才可以出來 出來以後 繼續往下一個山或者城堡去 我找了好久找不到 不好意思寫的很濫 - ...