Jpcsp v0.09 (revision 649) - 模擬器

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-10-23T11:44

Table of Contents

What′s new

revision 624 shows a bit progress on Tales of Eternia game.
Note: game is stucking after namco screen and doesn′t go further yet!

NOTE: commercial games doesn′t WORK yet!

jpcps v0.09 revision 649
* reverted malloc behaviour and made relevant changes to FPL, malloc should
be redesigned.
* Really fixed i18n in PSF : japanese titles work
* Added partial FPL implementation
* added support for exports
* mem stick browser now loads unpacked icons and psf files
* Re-written the loader
* fixed GE ′call′ command.
* sceKernelStartModule: set gp (GlobalPointer) register in new thread
* Fixed sprites modifying face culling, and framebuffer render, which
depended on this bug to render correctly.
* Fix vertex alignment
* Fixed vertical flip when not using the transformation pipeline, due to
openGL and PSP coordinates being flipped.
* fixed sceKernelLoadModule: memory allocation and loading of encrypted PSP

* Fix textures in raw coord
* Fix vertex color alignment
* banlist implementation for encrypted modules
* Added SystemTime functions (similar to clocks/+1mil per second)
* possible fix for SLTU, SLTIU
* sceUtilitySavedataInitStart partial implementation
* Improvement to debugger. Copy Value to Register window and Go To SP in
* Added a 4bit clut format, with ARGB8888 and RGB565 palette support.


All Comments

一個任天堂的遊戲 有龍跟城堡的

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-10-23T05:04
一個拿劍的主角 要選山 或者城堡 進去城堡或者山裡面是迷宮 要殺掉龍 或者巫師之類的才可以出來 出來以後 繼續往下一個山或者城堡去 我找了好久找不到 不好意思寫的很濫 - ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2008-10-23T03:17 有人有玩過嗎? 話說回來天蠶變2好像也還沒破解, 不過有在拍賣網站看到基版, 阿怎麼沒有人賣野球拳基版? -- - ...

DC 鬥魂列傳4

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-10-23T02:28
我剛看了一下 Yahoo 跟露天拍賣,都還有四代的新品(初回限定版)的 如果你堅持要用模擬器跑,我可以幫忙 dump 成原版 GDI 格式,比較不 會有奇怪的問題,dump 大概一小時左右.. 蠻快的就是了 : 我想請各位版友幫忙供檔 鬥魂3 OR 鬥魂4 : ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-10-22T22:59
好像在網路上也有看過有人有一樣的問題 只是都沒看過有人解答...... 遊戲中 OPTION裡 每個選項都看不到字 招式名稱 全部都空白 攻擊損血 也全都空白 看不到數字 然後加點數的CP也看不到數字是多少 最重要的!!!用必殺技時 就會跳出一堆 錯誤的視窗 然後就自動關閉了.... 最重要的就是必殺技啊. ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2008-10-22T19:20
遊戲平台:超級任天堂 內容陳述:超級大金剛二代美版的ROM 心得回憶:小時候最喜歡的一套遊戲 超級大金剛系列三代裡面我印象最深刻是二代 內容好像是說一代的大金剛被綁架走了 所以要去拯救他 二代華麗的話面跟動人的音樂到現在還是讓我記憶猶新 ...