Romulus Rom Manager 0.009 - 模擬器

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-06-09T19:29

Table of Contents

- ADDED detection of 32 or 64 Bits S.O running. Why? because external merged
EXEs of 64 Bits like RAR.EXE 7Z.EXE or CHDMAN.EXE are added and used if you
are in 64 Bits S.O. This will increase the speed in this S.Os.
- REMOVED external Romulus DLLs like 7za.dll, UnzDll.dll, ZipDll.dll,
Unrar.dll, are merged into main EXE and are loaded in memory when Romulus
starts. This increase a little bit the speed of reading compressed files.
- CHANGED All operations of adding, delete and extract are ported to command
line. The reason is can be optimize your S.O if you have a 64 Bits version,
easy update the compressors and remove possible errors.
- ADDED REBUILDER option. Is a new option that brings to you the possibility
of create your own DAT files in XML format selecting a folder. You can check
MD5, SHA1 or take compressed files as single files hashing it and not the
content. TODO LIST DONE.
- ADDED UPDATER option. Is a new option (experimental) that check in some
seconds if exists new versions of your existing DAT files. At moment groups
of Arcade, Pinball, Fruit Machines, No-Intro, Tosec, are included
in this interesting option. TODO LIST DONE.
- ADDED in Settings a Updater section where the user can decide what Updater
groups can be checked.
- ADDED Torrent7zip support. When a scanner ends if option is checked Romulus
will launch t7z.exe for *.7z files.
- ADDED in Log window a popupmenu with possibility to go first line, go last
line and if selected line has filenames or directory names will show the
possility to open browser and select this file or folder.
- ADDED possibility to drag n drop tabs in loaded profiles in Scanner to sort
- ADDED first code to use HEADERS and RESIZE, for security dissabled. But
will be available in next version.
UPDATED CHDMAN.EXE to 0.142 version.
UPDATED RAR.EXE to 4.00 version.
IMPROBED stop process when compressed files with some files inside are
IMPROBED download files function. All code was rewrited and is more secure.
No Internet Explorer installed is needed to works and don't needs to remove
cache to fix problems. By this reason removecache function was deleted.
IMPROBED sizeoffile function. Now don′t fails if a file is in use.
IMPROBED compatibility for folders inside compressed files, empty or full.
- FIXED IMPORTANT BUG when files to rebuild or fix contains '%' char. The
result was no predictable.
- FIXED Error extracting corrupted 7z files and takes it as correct.
FIXED at import dat. If a file is duplicated first of all check if all
checksums are same of the other. If is same then ignore else rename. At now
only renames without check the hashes.
FIXED processing files in scanner in no compressed mode (Folder) if an empty
folder found but is needed now no delete it.
FIXED wrong availability information if scanning process is stopped in the
middle of compressed file with some files inside.
FIXED error when start to scan in profiles with only CHDs and no ROMs. No
more "No path found".
FIXED stupid inverted information in main Profiles list, between Sets and
Roms, don′t worry is only a possition information bug, don′t affect your
FIXED more minor bugs.

TODO LIST - Not added in current version yet
Support for headers, i have the information to do it. Next version will have
support for headers (40% Done)
Resize files and check hash to try to match file. (80% Done)
Automatic romspath maker (0% Done)
Community file trading (20% Done) Very ambitious idea
Add more languages, native French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese ... speakers
are needed to help in traductions.
Many others not very difficult to code


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