DSP Emulator v0.11b3 WIP (2011/06/08) - 模擬器

Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-06-08T23:22

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DSP Emulator v0.11b3 WIP (2011/06/08) is released. DSP Emulator is a new
version of the ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade,
Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy emulator.

DSP Emulator v0.11b3 WIP Changelog:

08/06 - DSP Emulator 0.11b3 Released
Released DSP 0.11b3. Windows binary and source available (no WIP this time!).
This has been one of the most interesting versions. Many updates, more speed
on all drivers, a system to cache the graphics drivers that change
dynamically the palette, better directory system...
Improvements in many drivers, priorities, stability, graphical glitches, but
the most significant advances have been the drivers 'Sega System 16A' and
'Irem M72'.
'Shinobi' work at real speed, fixed many graphical glitches.
'R-Type' begins to function better, added controls and fixed sprites.
And added the driver 'Time Pilot' with sound.

To conclude this short review, the driver 'Black Tiger' colors are corrected
and added priorities (the bridge of the screen 3) that MAME does not emulate


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D PSP Emulater 更新問題

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-06-08T23:02
我想把這種軟體的程式版本從r164升級到r237 但官網好像不提供下載 我該怎辦 - ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-06-08T21:42
我用的模擬器是PSX 最近下載了日文版FF7的ROM,到進遊戲都沒問題 人物對話時及開角色視窗時,日文也都能正常顯示 但是進入戰鬥畫面後,就看不到字幕,根本不清楚自己下了什麼指令 雖然還是可以正常(?)玩啦…可是總是很難玩 囧 不知道有沒有遇過類似的問題,還請 ...

《餓狼傳說 (Fatal Fury)》系列回顧 (下篇)

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-06-08T20:22
最後一篇嘍!這篇結束後就會開始整理正在寫的遊戲攻略,希望能在暑假開始前就全部弄 完(但可能有點難度)。先聊點題外話,有PS3或PSP的玩家記得去領官方的補償遊 戲喔!遊戲不但是免費的,而且裡面不乏一些大作,例如最近即將發售續作的《惡名昭彰 》,還有PS3上的代表作《小小大星球》等。反正有空的話快去領,但 ...

SDLMAME v0.142u5 for Mac OS X

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-06-08T20:06
http://sdlmame.parodius.com/ SDLMAME v0.142u5 for Mac OS X is released. SDLMAME is a port of the popular MAME™. - ...

SS 光明與黑暗續戰篇Ⅲ 王都的巨神(收

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-06-08T14:19
http://zh-tw.justin.tv/ayichen 實況再開XD 預計到五點~ 練企鵝中 可能有點無聊 - ...