raine (0.50.17) & neoraine (1.2.1) - 模擬器

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-01-16T22:22

Table of Contents


raine (0.50.17) unstable; urgency=low

* Closing the window of the emulator doesn't trigger a segfault anymore
(well the segfault was quiting too, but in windows this was producing a
ugly error message, so it's better now !)
* Fixed a stupid bug in the "next" console command
* The video options dialog shows only the options for yuv overlay when in
autodetect mode since overlays are the default, you must now choose
explicitely "force normal blits" to see the scalers/scanlines options.
* Double buffer is forced even when using yuv overlays in fullscreen mode in
windows. Normaly video synchronization should be handled by overlays but
since it's very messy to configure, it's probably better to force it here.
If your overlays correctly handle video sync, then you can disable double
buffer in the video options to trust your overlays.
* Fixed a tremendous bug in hq3x/32bpp and hq2x/32bpp, the left part of the
game bitmap was cut.
* Fixed a crash when switching to hq3x in the middle of a game
* Darwin (mac os x) becomes an "experimental" target. Neoraine can be built
for it, and raine can be built only if not too many drivers are compiled
in! This thing makes me nuts, its linker is completely crazy. Anyway there
is now a new tool for building light version of raine : scan_drivers.pl
in games, which allows to choose which game drivers you want to include.
Once you have chosen, it includes the required cpu emulators/sound
drivers. It might be usefull when building for small systems...

neoraine (1.2.1) unstable; urgency=low

* Fixed a crash when restoring a savegame in kof98 (too many pcm uploads)
* Savegames could be badly restored starting in version 1.2.0 because of a
change in the handling of the main ram.
* Added an error message when trying to load a game from a .cue file and the
iso defined in the cue file is not readable.


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Ootake 1.67

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2009-01-16T22:16
http://www.ouma.jp/ootake/ ◇CD-DA音源の再生処理を実機の動作に近づけました。and#34;スーパーダライアスand#34;で、3面 のボス登場時に止まってしまっていた問題(v1.65から発生)が解消しました。 ◇ビデオチップの表示処理を実機の動作に近づけました。and#34; ...

(Multi Arcade) MAMEUIFX32 0.129u1

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2009-01-16T12:50
January 15, 2009 - Updated to MAME 0.129u1 - MAMEUI 0.129 - Removed left/right hacky controls in Defender. (They donand#39;t work anymore) - ...

(SMS/GG) Osmose 0-8-5b

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2009-01-16T12:48
- Osmose now uses OPENGL for render for a serious speedup (120fps for 11%cpu load in fullscreen on my old development machine). Bilinear fi ...

SNES「伊忍道—打倒信長(Super Inindo …

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2009-01-16T12:32
一些心得補充。 關於伙伴的特性與加入方式,我在這裡稍微說明一下好了(下方會把所有伙伴 資料列成一個表,方便大家查詢)。主角在一開始離開「忍の里」並前往第一 個城鎮之後,就有機會讓伙伴加入。無論是在路上昏倒,或是在客棧或酒館碰 到志同道合的有志之士,亦或是透過戰鬥而打敗的對手,甚至用「飛行仙」或 「孔雀」抵達 ...

用ps2模擬器畫面會晃動 ??

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2009-01-16T11:30
最近抓了ps2模擬器來玩機器人大戰z 可以順利進入遊戲 但進入遊戲後畫面會有一直晃動的感覺 (有點像螢幕更新率過低) 試過更改所有圖像插件的的選項都沒有改善 也試過別的遊戲 麻煩知道是什麼原因的人幫忙解惑一下 感激不盡~~~~ 使用模擬器版本是 pcsx2 0.9.5 cpu是amd 5200 ram ...