(SMS/GG) Osmose 0-8-5b - 模擬器

By Genevieve
at 2009-01-16T12:48
at 2009-01-16T12:48
Table of Contents
- Osmose now uses OPENGL for render for a serious speedup (120fps
for 11%cpu load in fullscreen on my old development machine).
Bilinear filtering cost almost nothing now, whatever is osmose
window size.Note that it's now possible to resize the window.
- Only Bilinear and Nearest Neighbourfilters remain.
- Use a lookup table instead of switch / if else for TextWriter (Faster).
- FPS is now writen into emulated display instead of Window's
Title so it canbe seen in fullscreen.
- Emulator is less verbose now. It does not say what it doesn't
do anymore :) Few changes in emulation statistics presentation.
- ZLIB is now installed by default on most linux distribution so
Osmose does not keep zlib source code into it's source tree,
and uses the libz shared object.

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