QMC2 0.37 released - 模擬器

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-09-18T19:08

Table of Contents


CHANGES – v0.37, 17-SEP-2012
fix: general bug fixes
imp: improved functionality
new: newly added functionality
wip: (incomplete) work in progress
doc: documentation changes
inf: informational only

v0.37, 17-SEP-2012:

■fix: changes made to multi-value floats as used in HLSL options weren't
updated correctly
■fix: demo-mode: don't select device-sets
■fix: non-Windows: avoid a rare crash when exiting QMC2 while a running
emulator is producing output on the notifier FIFO
■fix: don't allow tagging/untagging of parent-items in category- and
■fix: file-browsers in emulator configuration dialogs used the wrong
standard file-dialog so non-existing file names weren't accepted
■fix: ZIP-archived image files weren't correctly opened initially
■fix: full-screen switching on Ubuntu 12.04 (Unity desktop) didn't work
correctly -- see bug tracker ID #26
■fix: don't pass empty arguments when launching foreign emulators
■fix: non-Windows: the optional memory indicator wasn't updated because the
corresponding timer didn't fire
■fix: MESS device configurator: when a configuration made with the
file-chooser was saved, the current slot setup wasn't stored together with it
-- rendering the stored item useless when slot customizations were required
■fix: corrected ROM status determination for sets containing only CHDs (but
no ROMs)
■fix: the current emulator selection made on the game/machine-specific
configuration tab wasn't saved upon reload
■fix: minor: corrected progress-text updates when certain operations are
running 'in parallel' (i.e. loading the software-list while a full ROM audit
is active)
■fix: avoid crash when no game/machine is selected and a 'play' action is
■fix: MiniWebBrowser: corrected document history handling with regard to the
availability of back- and forward-actions
■fix: set locale- and c-string-encoding to UTF-8 globally and handle XML
data specifically on Windows to cleanly support international character sets
■fix: emulator wasn't launched under certain circumstances when the
game/machine was filtered out due to its ROM status
■fix: use UTF-8 character encoding when reading game-/machine- and/or
emulator-info DB dat-sources
■imp: adjusted the ghost-image used for videos (wrong text removed)
■imp: depending on the installed codecs, an unused YouTube widget may still
cause load on the system, so it's now already destroyed when it's no longer
■imp: updated redistributed Qt translations from Qt 4.8.3
■imp: unified the image processing to remove code duplication for different
image types
■imp: check for the existence of the emulator's executable file before
trying to actually run a null process (which may cause issues on Mac OS X)
■imp: Mac OS X build: added build option XCODE3 which (if set to 1) will
disable the special handling when Qt 4.8+ is detected
■imp: MAME/MESS/UME emulator templates updated to 0.147 (added new core
options ui_mouse and ui_active, removed option hide_cursor)
■imp: added an option to allow for setting QMC2's working directory to be
the same as the executable's path (for special use cases, not commonly used)
■imp: replaced all QMC2 variant logos and splash-screens with improved
versions from JacKc
■imp: Qt messages that are sent before the GUI is ready are now printed to
the console (stdout) instead of eating them
■imp: emulator configuration widgets: all drop-down lists for 'bios' /
'ramsize' selections or options with pre-defined choices are now sorted,
possible duplicates are removed and the number of visible items has been
increased to 20
■imp: the file-chooser's folder selector is now also sorted / sortable
■imp: foreign emulator IDs can now contain arguments with white-space
characters when they are enclosed in double-quotes
■imp: changed the file-chooser's sorting (by file name) to be
■imp: updated template format to v0.2.6 which adds support to ignore
complete sections (globally or per target OS)
■imp: Mac OS X build: don't compile runonce as it's not used on Mac OS X
(and has an X11 requirement)
■imp: integrated zlib updated to version 1.2.7 (see zlib's change-log for
■imp: Win32 MinGW build: added OS auto-detection for Windows so
specification of MINGW=1 is no longer required (however, if MINGW is set, its
value will be used regardless)
■imp: when a non-default (= foreign) emulator is selected for the current
game/machine, the device-mapper and software-list tabs are disabled now
■imp: sets with empty names are now ignored, logging corresponding warnings
when the game/machine list cache is recreated (this is a driver bug which
also '-validate' will warn about)
■imp: Win32 VC++ build: added x64 support to the project generation script
■imp: added an advanced line-edit containing an icon to symbolize its
function (used in certain search widgets)
■imp: changed the default short-cuts for adding games/machines to the
favorites list (now Ctrl+J and Ctrl+Shift+J) to free the Ctrl+F short-cut for
another/better use (i.e. for finding arbitrary text)
■imp: changed the default short-cut for 'About QMC2' (now Ctrl+B) to free
the Ctrl+A short-cut which is commonly used for 'select all'
■imp: file-chooser: opened ZIP contents are sorted as well
■imp: completely revised the image cache internals, now also storing the
file path the cached image was loaded from, which can be retrieved via the
image's context-menu (the file path is not available in case of zipped
images, though)
■imp: much better GUI response while recreating the XML cache and checking
all ROMs (full audit)
■imp: animate searching for game/machine XML data when the user expands an
item in the primary (full-detail) view
■imp: the menu-bar on Mac OS X is no longer 'native' because this misbehaves
with multiple menu-bars that we have now
■imp: emulator configuration widgets are now initially hidden and shown
after all options were loaded, which speeds up this process a little bit
(you won't see a visual difference, though)
■imp: added OS detection for Windows 8 and Mac OS X 10.8 to the about dialog
when Qt 4.8.3 or higher is used
■new: added support for David Haywood's (Haze) Universal Machine Emulator
(MAME/MESS unification project) in the form of an additional variant called
'qmc2-ume' or 'qmc2-sdlume' -- see bug tracker ID #22
■new: the YouTube video-player now supports local movie files as well
■new: added support for tool-bar customization
■new: allow the specification of semicolon-separated lists of folders for
ALL image types
■new: added support for system- and manufacturer-logo images (i. e.
AntoPISA's new MESS marquees)
■new: added support for the new MESS category.ini from ASH (UME targets
merge the info with data from catver.ini, if applicable)
■new: added a check for the ROM path setting (a warning message will pop up
when the ROM path hasn't been set or isn't available) -- see bug tracker ID
■new: made a complete rewrite of the image-checker dialog, which now allows
checks of ALL image types in a multi-threaded way -- this also fixes a
long-standing bug on Windows, BTW (see bug tracker ID #5)
■new: MESS device configurator: added support for nested slots, including
real slot recursion
■new: software-lists: available mount-devices are dynamically updated
whenever the device/slot setup changes
■new: added 3 new actions to tag / untag / invert tags of all visible sets
(according to the current ROM state filter)
■new: game/machine detail tabs can now also be reordered directly in the GUI
by dragging them with the mouse
■new: added a tool action to open a new empty browser window on demand
■new: <info> elements contained in a number of software-list entries are now
displayed as well (requires very recent MAME/MESS/UME versions after 0.146u5,
otherwise <info> elements are not contained in the -listsoftware output)
■new: items in all game/machine list views can now be tagged/untagged while
the 'cursor' is moved, using the new (customizable) short-cuts Shift+Up and
Shift+Down (works much like in 'Total Commander' when tagging/untagging files
or folders)
■new: the file-chooser now offers an additional context-menu item to open
regular files (not ZIP content yet!) externally by launching the default
application that's associated with the file's MIME type (or extension)
■new: added a 'personal rich-text notes' detail for games/machines (same as
the software-notes feature, but for systems this time)
■new: added command line option '-cc' which clears (removes) all emulator
caches prior to starting up
■new: HTML editor: added document preview in built-in browser as well as
'new-from-template' and 'revert-from-saved-file' functionality
■new: MESS device configurator: added support for selecting the BIOS used in
slot-devices (if applicable)
■new: software-lists: optional automatic adjustment of the emulator's
-snapname parameter for easier creation of software-snapshots
■doc: use a common image directory instead of sym-links
■inf: the configuration template for MAMEUIFX32 has been dropped
■inf: long project name changed to M.A.M.E./M.E.S.S./U.M.E. Catalog /
Launcher II


All Comments


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2012-09-18T19:03
我想請教一個怪問題 不知能不能在這邊發問 就是有沒有什麼掌機or智慧型手機or其它之類的東西 能夠把超任模擬器灌入,然後只要載入 smc的rom後,就能執行,邊出遊邊玩的,只要充電就好 然後解析度希望跟超任原生解析一樣清楚就好 不要因為高解析度而變成馬賽克遊戲這樣,謝謝 - ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-09-18T11:53
本篇說明一下,本作精心設計的告別台詞,需要補充說明或比較特別者。 可以參考底下網站看到全部: http://www006.upp.so-net.ne.jp/henkyo/chris/frame.html http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14910870 ════════════ ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2012-09-18T08:11
這個也是很少人碰的冷門遊戲,唯一18禁的女神轉生。 PC-98和WIN95對應的遊戲。 全部91集,每集大約20~25分鐘。 乍看之下是……只有選一個路線吧? 總之沒玩過但有興趣的可以看看 http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/16456036 -- ◣ 連悲傷也無法完全浸透 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-09-18T01:21
以前小時候,有去同學家玩過SEGA的幽遊白書 幻海的靈彈可以集氣,越變越大顆! 有版大記得遊戲名稱嗎?我突然想去回味一下:) - ...

XM6i ver 0.38

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2012-09-17T22:55
http://xm6i.org/ 0.38 (2012/09/15) o ホストのサウンド機能を復元。ただし品質についてはアレ。 o VM のサウンド周り (内蔵 ADPCM および内蔵 FM 音源のみ) を XM6 ver 2.05 ベースから XM6 ...