P.E.Op.S. OpenGL GPU 1.78 - 模擬器

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2009-03-31T12:04

Table of Contents


01. April, 2009 Version 1.78

I've started this plugin exactly 10 years ago. If you scroll down a long
way in this version history file, you will find an entry called
"1. April, 1999, Version 1.0", followed by a small "to do" list. Hehehe,
yeah, I was sooooooo naive by then.

Well, until 2003 I added a lot of things into this plugin, things I never
would have dreamed about when I did the first release. But then I found
less and less time to work on it anymore, and my interests were changing
as well.

Now, 10 years later, I keep my promise to release the plugin's source
code on the 10th anniversary. License is GPL, like in my already released
Soft GPU, SPU and CDR plugins. Maybe some coders will find this source
useful, be it to port it to other systems (Open Pandora anyone?), be it to
see how I've handled certain things, or maybe even somebody will start to
improve it further.

Beside the source code, there are no big changes in version 1.78. I've
added a "V-Sync" option in the gpu config (you can turn this on to
avoid tearing) and I've adjusted some small internal stuff (which should
not affect the compatibility at all). And I renamed the plugin to "P.E.Op.S.",
as a sign that it is now grown up and free to go :)

See ya!



All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-04-04T18:19
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2009-04-07T03:54

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By Doris
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Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-03-30T21:04
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