(SNES) bsnes v0.042 - 模擬器

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-03-30T22:57

Table of Contents


A new release quite a bit faster than I was expecting, but a lot
has changed. Most importantly is a new Windows input driver,
"RawInput". The downside is that this makes bsnes require at
least Windows XP, as Windows 2000 and earlier lack RawInput
support. The upside is that input from multiple keyboards and
mice can be distinguished from each other — very useful for
dual-Justifier support in Lethal Enforcers. Users of previous
versions of bsnes will need to manually select the new driver
via Settings->Configuration->Advanced->Input driver, and will
need to re-map all assigned input keys, including the default
user interface hotkeys. Or alternatively, delete the
configuration file under %APPDATA%\.bsnes or ~/.bsnes.

Also new is an XInput driver, which avoids the DirectInput
driver limitation of being unable to distinguish the two
shoulder trigger buttons. This makes bsnes require DirectX 9.0c
or later for the necessary drivers. Note that Windows Vista SP0
does not ship with these, so if you haven't installed it yet,
you'll need to do so. This driver is part of the "RawInput"
driver mentioned above.

This part is important: if you receive an error regarding
xinput1_3.dll, you need to download and install the DirectX 9.0c
run-time. For those on Windows 2000, or without DirectX 9.0c,
it is still possible to compile and run bsnes with the older
DirectInput driver only; but I won't be providing a binary
myself for this — at least not at this time. More bad news for
some: hiro, my Win32 / GTK+ API wrapper, has been discontinued
and removed from the source tree for this release. Qt 4.5.0+ is
now required for the user interface. Very sorry to the Linux
distros that do not have packages for QT 4.5 yet. You'll need
to continue with v041 for now.


- Fixed a bug that was preventing BS-X carts from loading and
mapping properly
- Fixed a bug with mapping joypads after the first
- Improved window centering code to reduce flickering, still a
bit volatile on Linux due to Qt/X11 limitations
- Minor cleanup work on S-PPU BG renderer
- Improved mouse axis / button mapping
- Added proper support for analog joypad inputs: both sticks
and triggers are now fully supported
- Windows: added RawInput support, allows up to 16 keyboards
+ mice to be mapped independently
- Windows: added XInput support, allows Xbox 360 controller
triggers to operate independently
- Windows and Linux: Screen saver and monitor power saving
disable re-added



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All Comments

(Dreamcast) DEmul 0.5.2 WIP

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-03-30T22:46
March 29, 2009 - added Atomiswave emulation; - minor fixes and improvements. 新版支援了SAMMY的AW系統上的遊戲,不過目前只支援了「北斗神拳(可執行 )」與「Demolish ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-03-30T21:04
說明:底下兩篇是我最近貼在巴哈討論區復活邪神版的討論文。 因為涉及到可以讓有興趣的人先嘗試所以才提早寫這些部分內容。 然後有些前情提到和細節是在該版上閒聊時談過的,在這裡則是沒提過。 有問題看不懂的可以推文或寄信或回文問我,我解釋一下。 這兩個都是復活邪神二 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2009-03-30T20:50
最近無聊 跑去看了 SFC的rom中文翻譯 被我掃到同級生二 QQ 我就想 連SFC都有同級生二喔 載來玩之後 不曉得是我功略出問題還是怎樣 好像沒有H的畫面耶QQ 板上也有神人玩過SFC版的同級生二嗎 不玩還好 一玩就讓我饑渴到不行了andgt;and#34;andlt; - ...

PCSX Rerecording 0.0.8

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-03-29T22:26
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VBA rerecording r51

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-03-29T22:09
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