Osmose 0-9-0beta - 模擬器

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2009-03-31T11:56

Table of Contents


Osmose is a Sega Master System / Gamegear console emulator. The emulator is
released as open source project, under GPL license and exists for both Linux
and windows.

What's new in Osmose 0-9-0b:

-Osmose is now a GUI based application. A basic OpenGL toolkit was written
for Osmose since tested toolkit were unable to get 60Hz refresh guaranted.
Maybe will i try QT libraries. GUI was Osmose's most asked feature.
-Remove FPS and RDTSC instruction non portable code.
-No more command line options are needed. All is done from GUI now.
-Osmose configuration is now stored into $HOME/.osmose directory under Linux.
Config file is named osmose.conf
-Configuration fileand key mapping has changed too.
-Joystick 1 is actually used with player 1.


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By James
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By Lucy
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By Doris
at 2009-03-30T22:46
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Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-03-30T21:04
說明:底下兩篇是我最近貼在巴哈討論區復活邪神版的討論文。 因為涉及到可以讓有興趣的人先嘗試所以才提早寫這些部分內容。 然後有些前情提到和細節是在該版上閒聊時談過的,在這裡則是沒提過。 有問題看不懂的可以推文或寄信或回文問我,我解釋一下。 這兩個都是復活邪神二 ...