HyperSpin RomManager v1.1c - 模擬器

By Lily
at 2011-04-29T23:25
at 2011-04-29T23:25
Table of Contents
HyperSpin RomManager v1.1c is released. HyperSpin RomManager is a tool.
HyperSpin is just a great frontend, be it for your cabinet or a home theater
pc. But a lot of the assumed rom file names in the configurations just don't
meet the names of the rom files in my (and your?) collections. So getting the
roms to work with it can be a real pain. HyperSpin RomManager helps you to
get a copy of your roms in order to meet the namings of the HyperSpin
The workflow is as follows:
1. Define the HyperSpin configuration file (.xml files in the Databases
directories), set the Rom source directory and Destination directory and
tweak a few options
2. Scan the rom files and let HyperSpin RomManager do a fuzzy match to find
the right rom for the game
3. Check the result, edit the associated file if needed
4. Run the copy process
Get the new feature updated 1.1c version of Hypersin RomManager. Some of the
community members requested new features to make this little app even more
complete, these features are implemented into version 1.1c now.
Better User Interface handling
When browsing through the game list on the left side, you can have the file
with the best match automatically selected on the right side.
This is now always done when the file list is sorted by the match column.
You can achieve this with the "Automatically scroll to best match" option
checked when the list is unsorted or sorted by name.
Significant less chance of false-positive matches
After a scan, every false-positive match always had to be corrected by hand
and this is more cumbersome the less files you have than expected by the
The chance for false-positive matches is significantly lowered with the
option "Only keep best match", which, after the scan, checks for each file
which game is the best match for it and removes every other match (potential
HyperSpin RomManager v1.1c is released. HyperSpin RomManager is a tool.
HyperSpin is just a great frontend, be it for your cabinet or a home theater
pc. But a lot of the assumed rom file names in the configurations just don't
meet the names of the rom files in my (and your?) collections. So getting the
roms to work with it can be a real pain. HyperSpin RomManager helps you to
get a copy of your roms in order to meet the namings of the HyperSpin
The workflow is as follows:
1. Define the HyperSpin configuration file (.xml files in the Databases
directories), set the Rom source directory and Destination directory and
tweak a few options
2. Scan the rom files and let HyperSpin RomManager do a fuzzy match to find
the right rom for the game
3. Check the result, edit the associated file if needed
4. Run the copy process
Get the new feature updated 1.1c version of Hypersin RomManager. Some of the
community members requested new features to make this little app even more
complete, these features are implemented into version 1.1c now.
Better User Interface handling
When browsing through the game list on the left side, you can have the file
with the best match automatically selected on the right side.
This is now always done when the file list is sorted by the match column.
You can achieve this with the "Automatically scroll to best match" option
checked when the list is unsorted or sorted by name.
Significant less chance of false-positive matches
After a scan, every false-positive match always had to be corrected by hand
and this is more cumbersome the less files you have than expected by the
The chance for false-positive matches is significantly lowered with the
option "Only keep best match", which, after the scan, checks for each file
which game is the best match for it and removes every other match (potential
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