(Arcade/Neo-Geo) Raine v0.51.10/NeoRaine v1.2.12 - 模擬器

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-04-29T12:02

Table of Contents


Both :

- gui improvements
- some valgrind fixes (related to memory usage)
- pause the game when loosing focus. Not sure everyone will like this
one, itwas done mainly for a live cd, but I'll leave it for now.
- fix black screen in windows when in fullscreen and using overlays
+ double buffer (well all those who had fullscreen problems in
windows should try again, this one should have been fixed earlier,
but I very rarely use windows now...).
- Handling of urls in the history file (you can access this by "about
this game").
- some workarounds for compiz in linux (I don't even use compiz anymore
now, but it can be useful !).
- now supports aalib and caca in linux, totally useless, but fun !

neoraine :

- some songs had their 1st 2 seconds cut on some tosec neocd dumps
using indexes, fixed.
- when loading a game working in 304x224, the screen is now totally
cleared when changing the resolution, after the 1st loading animation.
- you won't get anymore errors when saving a game after playing too
long in kof, now the savegames use lists for the uploads and not a
limited array.
- ask for neocd bios if it can't be found (mainly useful for osx).

Raine :

- lots of simplifications for writing the drivers. Nothing major, but
it makes drivers shorter and more readable. Maybe one day someone
will appreciate this in the unlikely event where someone wants to
add a new driver ! Some of the changes are limited to the megasys1
driver, which was one of the biggest one.
- screen rotation was broken in cps1/2 (playing with -rol or -ror
command line option to be able to physically rotate the screen !).
- plotting doesn't hang anymore if you try to load it after playing
plgirls2 (this one is a bug from version 0.28 and before, a long
standing bug !).
- you can now exclude clones from the game selection dialog.
- roms included in a folder inside a zip file are finally accepted now !

下載:Raine v0.51.10 (Arcade)

NeoRaine v1.2.12 (Neo-Geo/CD)



All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-05-03T22:45
Raine v0.51.1更新

Project64k 0.19

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-04-28T16:40
http://pj64k.blogspot.com/ New - Entirely new Menu (This fixes the menu text errors) -Unnecessary options are disabled -New, improved and faster Short ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2011-04-28T15:50
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Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-04-28T15:13
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Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-04-28T14:29
紅白機真的是伴隨大家長大的好玩伴~ 文章有點長,請多包含。 我手邊也還有一台紅白機,只是已經是二代或三代機了,元祖紅白機隨著按鈕 損壞而消失了。 唯一還存在的就是伴隨紅白機一起銷售的兩塊日卡-紅巾特攻隊和坦克大戰。  也是手邊最早的遊戲卡帶,估計也有二十多年的歷史了,和其他二十多塊卡夾  靜靜 ...

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Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-04-28T12:13
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