Gens-ReRecording SVN r275 - 模擬器

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-10-11T18:27

Table of Contents

Gens-ReRecording SVN r275 is released.Gens Rerecording, formerly known as
Gens Movie Test, is a modification of the highly popular Gens emulator. This
modification includes slowdown, recording and playback of controller input
logs, dumping of AVI files, and Lua scripting. This emulator is primarily
used by the Nesvideos community.

Gens-ReRecording SVN changelog:
Began working on vdp lua library, implemented vdp.readcell(address[, count])
which reads 1 (or the specified number) of graphical tiles from the target
location in VRAM, stopping if it encounters scroll data, and returns a table
of the results (with index 0 as the number of tiles successfully read)
fixed compilation breaking issue with s3k hack suite.


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Fceux SVN r1472

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-10-11T18:26 Fceux SVN r1472 is released.FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is a ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2009-10-11T18:05
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Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2009-10-11T17:21
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Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2009-10-11T15:12
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By Kyle
at 2009-10-11T10:39
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