(N64 emu Plugin) 1964Video v6.3.0 r30 - 模擬器

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2009-10-11T10:39

Table of Contents


- CRC-fix avoids slowdown in Castlevania, Smash Brothers and
probably other games, when hires is enabled
- Support for static hires backgrounds as used in Zelda
- Experimental texture caching. This has still improvement
potential but might nevertheless become quite usefull
with large hires textures
- Hires-textures will not be rechecked and (in case of enabled
cache) reloaded if a savestate is loaded or if you switch
between fulscreen & window mode. This avoids nasty wait time
- Fix to avoid crashing under Vista and Windows7
- Some smaller things, I forgot



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All Comments


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-10-11T00:02
先來個圖片轉換一下前幾篇的沈重氣氛吧。 http://album.blog.yam.com/show.php?a=UlyssesLinandamp;f=6040698andamp;i=10955220andamp;p=2 這是顯示四家車廠自己的賽車女郎,在開賽前的姿勢對照。 看得出RTS的王者風範、PRC的挑 ...

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