FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 Test - 模擬器

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-04-12T19:30

Table of Contents


FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 Test is released. FB Alpha Shuffle is an unofficial
version based on FBA with many pointless features.

FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 Test changelog:
- changed fba shuffle version to 2.0.
- separated burn library to dll. (you can select different dll from "Help"
- separated pixel filters to dll.
- added Lord of Gun and Alien Challenge driver. [iq_132]
- added Success Joe driver. [iq_132]
- added Varia Metal driver. [iq_132]
- corrected fps for some pgm games.
- fixed demo of olds.
- fixed game running after window reactive if pause manually.
- fixed cpu usage after exit game if filter is enabled.
- fixed create kaillera game list.
- fixed image scale in fake fullscreen mode.
- added custom button feature. (Map Game Inputs ==> Custom buttons)
- added log window to show emulation debug information. (change log="true" in
fbas.xml to enable log)
- added GDI video output.
- added Direct2D video output. (require win7 or vista sp2)
- adjusted config file structure.
- changed cheat, game config, favorite, gamelist file to xml.
(you can use banunu, a tool of fba shuffle to convert old ini files)
- changed some default settings.
- improved keyboard focus for gamelist dialog.
- mamep.lst must be saved as utf8(bom) for exporting local gamelist.
- removed unstable simple jukebox, M1 is the best choice to play sounds of
- updated libpng library to 1.5.3. (http://libpng.sourceforge.net)
- source code cleanup & optimization.
- updated romsets to match MAME 0.142.


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