FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 Test - 模擬器

By Isla
at 2011-04-12T19:30
at 2011-04-12T19:30
Table of Contents
FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 Test is released. FB Alpha Shuffle is an unofficial
version based on FBA with many pointless features.
FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 Test changelog:
- changed fba shuffle version to 2.0.
- separated burn library to dll. (you can select different dll from "Help"
- separated pixel filters to dll.
- added Lord of Gun and Alien Challenge driver. [iq_132]
- added Success Joe driver. [iq_132]
- added Varia Metal driver. [iq_132]
- corrected fps for some pgm games.
- fixed demo of olds.
- fixed game running after window reactive if pause manually.
- fixed cpu usage after exit game if filter is enabled.
- fixed create kaillera game list.
- fixed image scale in fake fullscreen mode.
- added custom button feature. (Map Game Inputs ==> Custom buttons)
- added log window to show emulation debug information. (change log="true" in
fbas.xml to enable log)
- added GDI video output.
- added Direct2D video output. (require win7 or vista sp2)
- adjusted config file structure.
- changed cheat, game config, favorite, gamelist file to xml.
(you can use banunu, a tool of fba shuffle to convert old ini files)
- changed some default settings.
- improved keyboard focus for gamelist dialog.
- mamep.lst must be saved as utf8(bom) for exporting local gamelist.
- removed unstable simple jukebox, M1 is the best choice to play sounds of
- updated libpng library to 1.5.3. (http://libpng.sourceforge.net)
- source code cleanup & optimization.
- updated romsets to match MAME 0.142.
FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 Test is released. FB Alpha Shuffle is an unofficial
version based on FBA with many pointless features.
FB Alpha Shuffle v2.0.0 Test changelog:
- changed fba shuffle version to 2.0.
- separated burn library to dll. (you can select different dll from "Help"
- separated pixel filters to dll.
- added Lord of Gun and Alien Challenge driver. [iq_132]
- added Success Joe driver. [iq_132]
- added Varia Metal driver. [iq_132]
- corrected fps for some pgm games.
- fixed demo of olds.
- fixed game running after window reactive if pause manually.
- fixed cpu usage after exit game if filter is enabled.
- fixed create kaillera game list.
- fixed image scale in fake fullscreen mode.
- added custom button feature. (Map Game Inputs ==> Custom buttons)
- added log window to show emulation debug information. (change log="true" in
fbas.xml to enable log)
- added GDI video output.
- added Direct2D video output. (require win7 or vista sp2)
- adjusted config file structure.
- changed cheat, game config, favorite, gamelist file to xml.
(you can use banunu, a tool of fba shuffle to convert old ini files)
- changed some default settings.
- improved keyboard focus for gamelist dialog.
- mamep.lst must be saved as utf8(bom) for exporting local gamelist.
- removed unstable simple jukebox, M1 is the best choice to play sounds of
- updated libpng library to 1.5.3. (http://libpng.sourceforge.net)
- source code cleanup & optimization.
- updated romsets to match MAME 0.142.
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