(PS for Android) psx4droid 3.0.4 - 模擬器

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-04-12T12:19

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psx4droid is now at version 3.0.4. The changelog is below.

I encourage all users of psx4droid to upgrade to 3.0.4, especially if
you’re using 3.0.1 or earlier, as it will help me pin down bugs and
make fixing them easier.

3.0.4 since 3.0.3:

- Fixed the hardware key mappings and they are now fully functional.
Settings stick as well.
- Fixed a bug causing various phones to crash due to a multitouch
related issue. One phone affected is the Xperia Play. This fix
may give multitouch issues in virtual keypad mode, so if this is
the case, let me know.
- Removed a legacy call to set the surface type of a view. Determining
if this affects performance any, though it shouldn’t.

3.0.3 since 3.0.2:

- Fixed Key Mapping settings.
- Fixed a bug causing MotionEvent crashes due to multitouch
implementation in some hardware.
- Tweaked the silent crash report logging. Should help me debug better.




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By Sandy
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Anonymous avatar
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Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-04-11T18:19
※ [本文轉錄自 C_Chat 看板 #1DeiyHCF ] 作者: dobioptt (6番目の駅) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [閒聊] GAME BOY MUSIC 時間: Mon Apr 11 17:51:10 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpdY ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-04-11T18:13
先感謝上次大大們的回答 我已經成功得手 機動裝甲 不過接下來防具開發 又卡住了 需要的原料有 九頭蛇皮 和 微小的羽毛 還有腐海的廢墟 裡面有甚麼寶物可以打嗎 聽說釜的最強記要到那邊去練 這是真的嗎 謝謝各位大神 - ...