ePSXe v1.8.0 +繁中版 - 模擬器

By Kyle
at 2012-11-10T22:41
at 2012-11-10T22:41
Table of Contents
As promised ePSXe 1.8.0 for windows has been released.
You can find it in the downloads section.
The main changes are:
Many fixes to the cd-rom decoder and core that fixed almost 150 games
Improved input devices support
On the fly memory card change
Fixed changedisc feature
Support for SBI subchannel files
Support for PBP disc images
Cheat codes support
We hope you will enjoy this release!
ePSXe Team.
As promised ePSXe 1.8.0 for windows has been released.
You can find it in the downloads section.
The main changes are:
Many fixes to the cd-rom decoder and core that fixed almost 150 games
Improved input devices support
On the fly memory card change
Fixed changedisc feature
Support for SBI subchannel files
Support for PBP disc images
Cheat codes support
We hope you will enjoy this release!
ePSXe Team.
推 UnknownX:支援PBP~~推推 11/10 22:46
推 UlyssesLin:嗚哇,好久沒出新版了 11/10 23:10
推 qazxswptt:真的假的 這團隊是以數年為單位改版的嗎XD 11/10 23:55
→ qazxswptt:當初以為已掛掉 1.6蹦出來就已經嚇到我了 現在又一次XD 11/10 23:56
→ remina:1.52 -> 1.6 才一年就嚇到了? 11/11 00:04
→ remina:附帶一提 1.8包的 plugin\gpu.dat(P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU 1.18 11/11 00:07
→ remina:要換成1.18b有修正一些當機問題,或者自己補1.18b進去選用 11/11 00:07
→ qazxswptt:一年以活著的模擬器來說 也滿久了... 11/11 00:30
推 oginome:之前OP大就有說過這新聞了,我還天天去等嘞~ 11/11 01:21
→ oginome:因為DQ4的顯示問題,我也在EPSXE和PETE的官網留言,但是都 11/11 01:22
→ oginome:沒人回應,總算新版的出來了,待會兒來試試看! 11/11 01:22
→ oginome:測試了一下1.8版,我以前用1.7玩的幾個遊戲有問題的還是 11/11 01:43
→ oginome:有問題,包括DQ4用OPENGL的顯示問題(解析度會跳掉),但這 11/11 01:44
→ oginome:應該是PLUGIN的問題,還有假面騎士V3在嘍囉戰前會一直遲鈍 11/11 01:45
→ oginome:很久的問題,目前所有的模擬器只有SSSPSX(停止開發)和 11/11 01:46
→ oginome:XEBRA是正常的,其餘模擬器包括早期的VGA都有延遲問題。 11/11 01:47
→ oginome:這次依然沒有改善....就請大家測測看差在哪邊了~ 11/11 01:47
→ remina:DQ4跑了n次沒注意...XD 11/11 02:09
→ oginome:因為R大用SOFT在跑啊...XD,看來這問題真的無解... 11/11 02:18
→ qazxswptt:原來改版是o大整天去纏才生出來的XD 11/11 02:19
→ remina:顯示問題幾乎都是GPU問題..3D GPU部分遊戲圖層都不太好搞 11/11 02:25
→ oginome:這哪能是我去纏出來的,人家消息已經公布了,我是等釋出~ 11/11 02:38
→ oginome:DQ4的顯示問題看起來很像是圖層的焦點問題,感覺艾尼克斯 11/11 02:40
→ oginome:的做法是開對話框時,就覆蓋上一個新的圖層來裝對話框, 11/11 02:42
→ oginome:而PETE的GPU plugin的效果(包過濾鏡)只針對最上層的圖層 11/11 02:43
→ oginome:來做處理,所以有新圖層(對話框)出現時,GPU plugin就捨棄 11/11 02:44
→ oginome:3D物件那層的SHADER,而處理對話框那一層,所以3D物件那層 11/11 02:46
→ oginome:的解析度就跳回去,原本的一些柔化等等也都不處理了,直到 11/11 02:46
→ oginome:對話框取消為止,GPU plugin才又開始處理3D物件的LAYER, 11/11 02:47
→ oginome:觀察到的結果是如此,倘若真是這樣,那我覺得不然就處理兩 11/11 02:48
→ oginome:層就好了,單從GPU plugin上應該有辦法解決才對~ 11/11 02:49
→ oginome:不過我有在官網發問了,一個叫我PO設定,PO完後就沒下文.. 11/11 02:49
→ qazxswptt:我之前是用OPENGL2 RENDER 設定試了很久才好看 真是好物 11/11 03:31
→ qazxswptt:但硬體Gpu render 多少都會有些畫面錯誤的問題 11/11 03:31
→ qazxswptt:遇到了都需要改用軟體看看能不能正確顯示 11/11 03:32
→ choan:Android版也更新1.8.0版 11/11 13:42
→ remina:只處理前景圖層的問題,勾special game fixs 11/11 14:01
→ remina:... 進去 Lazy upload detection 打勾 11/11 14:02
→ remina:旁邊寫的DW7(DQ7)記得當初就是需要,反正同樣的引擎 11/11 14:04
→ choan:emu-france有ePSXe 1.8.0 Fully Loaded 11/11 16:28
推 oginome:謝R大,不過那個在OPENGL2.9好像取消了,1.77版的那個選項 11/11 19:34
→ oginome:也要犧牲拿透明色來換...真希望2.9版能早點出解決方案~ 11/11 19:35
→ oginome:因為2.9版可以外掛SHADER,實在捨不得換呀~ 11/11 19:35
→ remina:OPENGL2.9那項修正沒功能了XD 11/11 19:45
※ 編輯: choan 來自: (11/11 22:31) 推 BillyJr:等了好久.. 北斗神拳終於能玩了.. :\ 11/14 20:15
推 levine21:Android版1.8.0 sony play玩武藏傳音效會有問題 Orz 11/14 20:43
All Comments

By Liam
at 2012-11-14T12:44
at 2012-11-14T12:44

By Rae
at 2012-11-16T16:00
at 2012-11-16T16:00

By Gary
at 2012-11-20T19:24
at 2012-11-20T19:24

By Una
at 2012-11-23T23:14
at 2012-11-23T23:14

By Ingrid
at 2012-11-27T12:07
at 2012-11-27T12:07

By Faithe
at 2012-11-30T11:14
at 2012-11-30T11:14

By Joe
at 2012-12-02T06:33
at 2012-12-02T06:33

By Leila
at 2012-12-02T13:29
at 2012-12-02T13:29

By Ina
at 2012-12-04T20:09
at 2012-12-04T20:09

By Rachel
at 2012-12-09T01:31
at 2012-12-09T01:31

By Yedda
at 2012-12-10T02:18
at 2012-12-10T02:18

By Odelette
at 2012-12-13T03:53
at 2012-12-13T03:53

By Ida
at 2012-12-16T18:53
at 2012-12-16T18:53

By Tom
at 2012-12-20T14:50
at 2012-12-20T14:50

By Vanessa
at 2012-12-24T12:25
at 2012-12-24T12:25

By Hedy
at 2012-12-29T00:20
at 2012-12-29T00:20

By Edward Lewis
at 2012-12-31T12:29
at 2012-12-31T12:29

By Eden
at 2013-01-03T18:43
at 2013-01-03T18:43

By Jacob
at 2013-01-08T01:15
at 2013-01-08T01:15

By Hazel
at 2013-01-12T08:23
at 2013-01-12T08:23

By Wallis
at 2013-01-14T01:53
at 2013-01-14T01:53

By William
at 2013-01-19T01:19
at 2013-01-19T01:19

By Faithe
at 2013-01-19T07:07
at 2013-01-19T07:07

By Eartha
at 2013-01-20T16:58
at 2013-01-20T16:58

By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-01-21T04:57
at 2013-01-21T04:57

By Edward Lewis
at 2013-01-22T14:35
at 2013-01-22T14:35

By Adele
at 2013-01-23T19:28
at 2013-01-23T19:28

By Mia
at 2013-01-25T21:29
at 2013-01-25T21:29

By Jessica
at 2013-01-30T09:36
at 2013-01-30T09:36

By Robert
at 2013-02-02T04:35
at 2013-02-02T04:35

By Wallis
at 2013-02-05T21:19
at 2013-02-05T21:19

By Gary
at 2013-02-09T09:06
at 2013-02-09T09:06

By Aaliyah
at 2013-02-10T11:31
at 2013-02-10T11:31

By Aaliyah
at 2013-02-11T06:59
at 2013-02-11T06:59

By Candice
at 2013-02-12T20:06
at 2013-02-12T20:06

By Ingrid
at 2013-02-13T11:21
at 2013-02-13T11:21

By Kristin
at 2013-02-14T10:22
at 2013-02-14T10:22

By Xanthe
at 2013-02-16T13:56
at 2013-02-16T13:56

By Margaret
at 2013-02-17T23:15
at 2013-02-17T23:15
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