CollisionGC(2012/11/06) - 模擬器

By James
at 2012-11-09T12:43
at 2012-11-09T12:43
Table of Contents
給GameCube吃的ColecoVision模擬器(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
I'd like to point out, that while this emulator isn't uptdated anymore (since
SMS emulation has moved to Genesis Plus GX), the latest build (.r64) is
indeed a very good COLECOVISION emulator! And thus adds another quality
system the GameCube emu library
In case you're having trouble setting it up correctly, here's how it works:
1. Download r64 ( and put
it in the root of your SD card
2. Create a directory called '/smsplus/roms' and place your Colecovision roms
in there
3. Put the Colecovision BIOS renamed to 'BIOS.col' in '/smsplus'
4. Fire it up and navigate to Emulator Options >> System Options >> Console:
switch the setting from 'AUTO' to 'COLECO'
5. You're done
The Side/Action Buttons of the Colecovision controller are mapped to A and B.
In order to use the Keypad Buttons, use the R-Trigger to change current
numeric value (from 0 to 9, #, *) and the L-Trigger to select the current
For a more focussed / less distracting rom selection, you can leave out the
file extensions of your roms. It should work just fine!
I'd like to point out, that while this emulator isn't uptdated anymore (since
SMS emulation has moved to Genesis Plus GX), the latest build (.r64) is
indeed a very good COLECOVISION emulator! And thus adds another quality
system the GameCube emu library
In case you're having trouble setting it up correctly, here's how it works:
1. Download r64 ( and put
it in the root of your SD card
2. Create a directory called '/smsplus/roms' and place your Colecovision roms
in there
3. Put the Colecovision BIOS renamed to 'BIOS.col' in '/smsplus'
4. Fire it up and navigate to Emulator Options >> System Options >> Console:
switch the setting from 'AUTO' to 'COLECO'
5. You're done
The Side/Action Buttons of the Colecovision controller are mapped to A and B.
In order to use the Keypad Buttons, use the R-Trigger to change current
numeric value (from 0 to 9, #, *) and the L-Trigger to select the current
For a more focussed / less distracting rom selection, you can leave out the
file extensions of your roms. It should work just fine!
噓 OPWaug:不因為自己被噓到脫肛就把整個PTT拉去當墊背 恩哼03/09 18:07
→ IyonNokia:你為什麼要用一根吸管打翻整杯果汁03/09 18:07
→ thedeadearth:好幾根吸管啦。03/09 18:08
噓 jasonliu1025:講話前後矛盾03/09 18:08
→ jova:1樓專業 整個ptt只有五樓這智障爛掉好嗎XD03/09 18:08
All Comments

By Enid
at 2012-11-11T21:54
at 2012-11-11T21:54

By Callum
at 2012-11-16T03:17
at 2012-11-16T03:17

By Jacob
at 2012-11-20T00:02
at 2012-11-20T00:02

By Isla
at 2012-11-21T13:22
at 2012-11-21T13:22

By Lily
at 2012-11-22T17:52
at 2012-11-22T17:52

By Elvira
at 2012-11-26T04:46
at 2012-11-26T04:46
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