Enslaved幻想西遊記 劇情攻略 第十三章 - PS

By Daniel
at 2010-11-11T14:20
at 2010-11-11T14:20
Table of Contents
這章倒是著重於爬爬爬orz 還有最後的劇情(這段超棒的喔!!)
同樣的 小弟的劇情翻譯基本上會盡量以中文文法呈獻
有部分內容因為"中文不會這樣說" 而不會對原文直接翻譯
對話: 原文 猴哥 小崔 老豬 系統 路人
非對話: 劇情動作 特別注意事項 攻略/路線提示 小弟迷之聲 獎盃
Chapter 13: Grand Theft
第十三章: 竊盜
P: So, this beast has four legs, each shackled to the reservoir floor.
老豬: 嗯,這怪物有四隻腳,都被束縛在這水庫裡。
T: Okey, then we travel to each shackle point in turn and set explosives.
小崔: 那好,那我們就依序到四個束縛點設置炸彈。
P: You'll have to figure out how to switch the engine on, while I get to
the control room.
老豬: 當我到控制室的時候,你得找出如何啟動引擎。
T: And you, drive the Leviathan out of here!
小崔: 而你,駕著利維坦離開這裡!
P: Yeah... What could possibly go wrong?
老豬: 是的...怎麼可能出錯呢?
P: This way.
老豬: 走這邊。
P: Whoa. It's huge. This machine is more incredible than my wettest dreams!
老豬: 哇。這還真巨大。這機械比我作過最鹹濕的夢還難以置信!
T: What did you just say?
小崔: 你剛剛說什麼?
P: This machine is more incredible than my wildest dreams!
老豬: 這機械比我作過最瘋狂的夢還難以置信!
M: That's not what you said.
猴哥: 你剛剛不是這麼說的。
T: Come on, let's just keep going...
小崔: 來吧,我們儘管繼續前進...
T: A terminal! Wait here. Okey, I have the schematics. The anchor points
are above us. Monkey, there's a route up. I've coded the Dragonfly to
lead the way. All you have to do is follow it.
小崔: 有終端機! 在這等一下。很好,我拿到設計圖了。這些固定點在我們上頭。
M: Sure.
猴哥: 當然。
P: Okey, I'll make my way up. No, I'm not gonna get through there.
I'll have to find a different way up. I need you with me, Monkey.
Get up here.
老豬: 了解,我也來找路上去。喔不,我沒辦法從這過去。
T: I'll stay here and figure out how this thing works.
小崔: 我留在這裡找看看這玩意該怎麼操作。
這些噴火的地方都是一樣的規律 噴 停 噴 停 噴~~~ 停~~~
P: Whoa! Look at the size of those gears.
老豬: 哇! 看看那些器械的大小。
M: Trip, we got a problem here. There are flames blocking our way.
猴哥: 崔普,我們這有了麻煩。這邊有火檔到了我們的路。
T: Okey... Uhh... Oh! I can shut off the burners from here.
小崔: 了解... 呃... 喔! 我可以從這裡把噴火口關掉。
M: Hey, hey! It's getting hotter...
猴哥: 喂,喂! 變更熱了...
T: Just let me shut these down.
小崔: 就等我關掉他嘛。
M: Ow! This is hot!
猴哥: 喔! 好燙!
M: Uhh... Uhh, I can't get through here.
猴哥: 呃... 呃,這裡我過不去。
P: Let's just blow this thing out of the way! Be careful not to damage
the cog.
老豬: 那就把這玩意從路上炸飛啊! 小心別傷到輪牙了。
M: Okey, okey.
猴哥: 知道了,知道了。
電漿彈等射擊完再拿 以免被系統吃掉子彈
P: Nice shot, Monkey! After you...
老豬: 射得好,蒙基! 你先走吧...
T: Can you see the way through? It's above you.
小崔: 你有看到過去的路嗎? 他在你上頭。
P: The anchor point has four couplings. We need to blow them off to
release the leg.I'll throw some more bombs.
老豬: 固定點有四個連結處。我們需要把他們都炸掉來解放腳部。我會丟更多炸彈。
一樣建議是射完再拿 以免被系統吃掉子彈
P: There's one./Nice shot./Almost done.
老豬: 爆一個/射得好/快完成了
P: Ah! Watch it, Monkey! We need this thing to work.
We've still got to drive this thing...(Relax, will ya?)
老豬: 啊! 小心點,蒙基! 我們還需要這玩意能運作。
P: Too slow, Monkey! I'll chuck another bomb for you.
老豬: 蒙基,動作太慢啦! 我在幫你扔顆炸彈。
P: Way! One leg done, three to go. Follow me...
老豬: 哇! 搞定一隻腳,還有三隻要弄。跟我來...
先別急著走 老豬腳下的區域有面具1/2
T: Whoa, whoa! Let me disable the security systems.
小崔: 哇哇! 讓我來關掉保全系統。
M: That's not good.
猴哥: 聽起來真不妙。
T: The mechs are using thermite to burn through the hull! We don't have
much time!
小崔: 機械正在用焊槍燒穿機體! 我們沒有太多時間了!
P: Follow me.
老豬: 跟我來。
第一個風火輪(?)左側是可以下去的 那邊有面具2/2
P: Now that's what I call a beam engine!
老豬: 現在這個就是我所謂的天平式動力機!
P: Okey. Same again, Monkey.
老豬: 好啦。再做一次,蒙基。
P: Okey, we've got some more couplings to deal with! How'd it going, Trip?
老豬: 好啦,我們又有更多的連結處要處理! 崔普,那邊狀況怎樣?
T: Just so you know, they're cutting through!
I'm sealing the inner doors, but they'll be in here soon.
小崔: 就跟你知道一樣,它們正在穿入中!
P: Okey. Same again, Monkey.
老豬: 好啦。再做一次,蒙基。
跟第一隻腳一樣 把四個位置的炸彈都射爆
P: Great, that's the two front anchors released! Get up here, Monkey!
老豬: 太棒了,前面兩個固定點解開來了! 上來這,蒙基!
P: I just love this thing. I'm lost for words...
老豬: 我真的很愛這玩意。真的難以用言語形容...
M: Hey Trip! Hey Trip, I can't get through here.
猴哥: 喂崔普! 喂崔普,我沒辦法越過這邊。
T: Umm... There! Can you get through now?
小崔: 呃... 就這了! 你現在能過去了嗎?
M: Yeah.
猴哥: 可以。
P: Hey, we can get back down in this lift.
老豬: 喂,我們可以坐這電梯下去。
T: Nice work, guys! Let's get to the last two anchor points.
小崔: 作得好,伙伴們。讓我們去剩下兩個固定點吧。
P: Is it just me or is this the most beautiful piece of machinery you've
ever seen? I mean, I really get off on it... I mean REALLY get off on it...
老豬: 只有我覺得嗎? 還是這是你們看過最美的一台機械? 我是說,我真的因為
這玩意感到非常性奮... 我真—的—因為這玩意感到非常性奮...
M: You know... I don't think we need to know that.
猴哥: 你知道的...我不認為我們需要知道這些。
P: Sorry... but I really do get off on it...
老豬: 抱歉... 可是我真的是因為這玩意感到非常性奮...(譯註1)
T: Okey, through here.
小崔: 好啦,穿過這吧。
T: Wow, this must be the power core...
小崔: 哇,這裡一定是能源核心...
P: This is incredible... They must've found every power cell in a 500-mile
radius... We'll need to come back here and jump start her when we've
done the couplings.
老豬: 真難以置信... 它們一定把方圓500哩內的能源槽都搜刮過來了。
T: I'll get this door open.
小崔: 我來開門。
P: What floor would you like, madam?
老豬: 女士,您要去幾樓?
P: Get up here, Monkey! Let's take a look.
老豬: 上來這,蒙基! 讓我們瞧瞧。
T: There's the next anchor point... and there's the other.
The Dragonfly will show you the way.
小崔: 這是下一個固定點... 而這是另一個。蜻蜓會告訴你路的。
T: There's a panel blocking the way up there.
小崔: 這邊有嵌版擋住往上的路。
M: Pigsy, do you have any more of those bombs?
猴哥: 八戒,你還有多的炸彈嗎。
P: Yeah, sure. Let's blow it open!
老豬: 喔是,當然有。讓我們把他炸飛!
M: Where to now?
猴哥: 現在要去哪?
P: Up there.
老豬: 上去那裡。
M: Up there? Okey...
猴哥: 上去那裡? 了解...
這面多兩個套筒陷阱 不過時間點很好抓就是
P: Meet me over here, Monkey, and I'll attach some bombs to the anchor.
Okey, time for some more target practice.
老豬: 在這等我,蒙基,我會黏幾個炸彈在固定點上。
不過這邊最後是去電漿彈*2旁邊射擊 那邊視野比較好XD
P: Nicely done! On to the next one.
老豬: 作得真好! 來去另一個那吧。
這老豬很賊的 這邊是這章最容易漏掉科技點的地方
那邊有一顆有保護色的科技點 這顆就值3%...orz
T: They're breached the outer hull! We have a minute or two before they
find us. Hurry! They're almost through the hull! Better step it up, guys!
小崔: 他們在外部機體開了個大洞! 在它們找到我們之前大概還有一兩分鐘。快點!
它們快穿過機體了! 最好加快速度,伙伴們!
P: Okey, this is the last one. Let's set this thing free...
老豬: 好啦,這是最後一個了。讓我們來解放她吧...
第四隻腳 應該不用說了XD
別忘了先拿 不然等一下被順移下去會哭喔XD
P: That's it, she's free!
老豬: 就是這樣,她自由了!
T: This way back to the power core.
小崔: 走這回能源核心。
T: Pigsy, you get to the control room and standby. Monkey, you stay with me
and buy me some time.
小崔: 八戒,你去控制室待命。蒙基,你留在這,幫我爭取一點時間。
M: They're coming.
猴哥: 它們來了。
T: Okey, okey, okey... If I can trace the diagnostic systems and find
a backdoor to the quartum encryption circuits, I can try to bypass
the security systems and then...
小崔: 那好,嗯,嗯... 如果我能追蹤診斷系統並寫找到量子加密電路的後門,
M: You know what? I'll just fight off an entire army while you do that.
猴哥: 你知道嗎? 你在做這些事的時候我可以去擊退整個軍隊。
T: Sounds like a plan!
小崔: 聽起來可行的樣子!
T: Okey, got it. In order to get this thing moving, I need to route power
to each of the four legs. Sounds like the mechs are on their way.
小崔: 好啦,我知道了。為了要讓這玩意動起來,我需要把能源傳到四隻腳上。
大概有四部分14波敵人 他們會到處亂跑
│C D│
W│ ╭╮ │E
│ ╰╯ │
│B A│
小弟有在敵人後面標記從哪出來 會去哪搞破壞
另外 BD兩根附近各有一個醫療包 有需要的可以自行取用XD
T: I'll lower the linking conduits one at a time. You should see the
first on coming down now.
小崔: 我會依序降下連結管線。你現在應該會看到第一個管線要下來了。
S: Alert! Alert! Please stand clear.
系統: 警告! 警告! 請勿靠近。
M: Yes, I see it.
猴哥: 對,我看到了。
T: They're coming in!
小崔: 它們進來了!
第1波: 敵3(拳擊1) S-A
T: They're attacking the cores!
小崔: 他們在攻擊核心!
M: Trip! Hey Trip! Can you help me out here?
猴哥: 崔普! 喂崔普! 你能幫我個忙嗎?
T: Monkey, I'm busy!
小崔: 蒙基,我正在忙!
第2波: 敵1(拳擊1) S-A
T: Okey... need to bypass the... No, that won't work.
小崔: 好了... 來繞過這... 不,這不能運作。
第3波: 敵4(電氣1 爆炸1 拳擊/盾1) S-A
T: Yes... Yes... Okey.
小崔: 對... 對... 好了。
S: Alert! Alert! Please stand clear.
系統: 警告! 警告! 請勿靠近。
T: Monkey, the next conduit is online! They're on the other side!
They're through the other door!
小崔: 蒙基,下一個管線在線上了! 他們在另一邊! 他們又從另一個門穿過來了。
第4波: 敵3(盾1) W-B
T: God damn it! The security is good!
小崔: 真是天殺的! 這保全系統還真好!
第5波: 敵3(電氣2 盾1) E-A
T: Monkey, I don't know if we're gonna be able to do this.
小崔: 蒙基,我不知道我們是否能完成這件事。
M: Just don't panic. Just keep going.
猴哥: 別慌,繼續作就好。
第6波: 敵2(電氣1 盾1) E-A 敵2(盾1) W-B
T: Getting there...
小崔: 搞定這了...
S: Alert! Alert! Please stand clear.
系統: 警告! 警告! 請勿靠近。
T: Here comes another one, Monkey!
小崔: 蒙基,另一條要下來了!
第7波: 敵2(遠距/盾2) W
第8波: 敵3(電氣1 拳擊/盾1) E-C
T: Oh shit! Blocked! Blocked again!
小崔: 喔媽的! 被擋住了! 又被擋住了!
第9波: 敵2(爆炸/盾1 電氣1) S-A
M: Hey. Trip, how ya doin' in there?
猴哥: 喂。崔普。你那怎樣了?
T: I can't talk! This system is crazily complicated.
小崔: 我沒空聊天! 不知道那個瘋子把這系統搞得這麼複雜。
第10波: 敵3(盾1) W-B
T: Nearly done...
小崔: 快搞定了...
S: Alert! Alert! Please stand clear.
系統: 警告! 警告! 請勿靠近。
T: Okey, here comes the last one?
Once this is online, the Leviathan will be fully operarional.
小崔: 好啦,這應該是最後一根了? 只要等這根上線,利維坦就可以完全操控了。
第11波: 敵2(遠距/盾1 電氣/盾1)W 敵1(遠距/盾1) E
T: Maybe if I reroute through here.
小崔: 也許我該繞過這裡。
第12波: 敵1(盾1)W-C 敵3(電氣/盾1 盾1) E-D
T: Yes! Monkey. I'm on to something!
小崔: 搞定! 蒙基。我快完成了!
第13波: 敵2(拳擊2) W-C
M: How may more of these guys are there?
猴哥: 這些機械還剩多少啊?
第14波: 敵2(電氣1 拳擊/盾1)E-A 敵2 W-B
T: Nearly there. I'm nearly there! Done it! We did it.
小崔: 快好了。就快好了! 搞定! 我們做到了。
S: Welcome. Initialising. Weapons online. Motion systems online.
Main cannon arming. Initialising complete. Awaiting command.
系統: 歡迎。起始化中。武器已上線。運動系統已上線。主加農炮準備發射。
P: Whooaaa. Time to get this thing moving!
老豬: 哇—。是該讓這玩意動起來了!
T: I've been wanting to talk to you... but there never seems to be a time.
When I found my father dead... I'm not trying to excuse what I've done.
I know I was wrong. I have no more right to enslave you than anyone does.
小崔: 我一直想要跟你說... 可是一直不是時候。當我發現我爸死掉的時候...
M: What have you done?
猴哥: 你剛作了什麼?
T: There's nothing controlling you anymore.
小崔: 再也沒有東西能控制你了。
M: So I can... I can just leave?
猴哥: 所以我可以...我可以就這樣離開了?
T: If that's what you want.
小崔: 如果你想要的話。
M: Turn it back on.
猴哥: 重新啟動它。
T: But I'm...
小崔: 可是我...
M: You heard what I just said. Turn it back on.
猴哥: 你聽到我說的了。重新啟動它。
獲得獎盃: Anchors Away!
譯註1: 我真的沒有打錯字><
最後那句"Turn it back on"真的很感動啊Q<>Q
這章倒是著重於爬爬爬orz 還有最後的劇情(這段超棒的喔!!)
同樣的 小弟的劇情翻譯基本上會盡量以中文文法呈獻
有部分內容因為"中文不會這樣說" 而不會對原文直接翻譯
對話: 原文 猴哥 小崔 老豬 系統 路人
非對話: 劇情動作 特別注意事項 攻略/路線提示 小弟迷之聲 獎盃
Chapter 13: Grand Theft
第十三章: 竊盜
P: So, this beast has four legs, each shackled to the reservoir floor.
老豬: 嗯,這怪物有四隻腳,都被束縛在這水庫裡。
T: Okey, then we travel to each shackle point in turn and set explosives.
小崔: 那好,那我們就依序到四個束縛點設置炸彈。
P: You'll have to figure out how to switch the engine on, while I get to
the control room.
老豬: 當我到控制室的時候,你得找出如何啟動引擎。
T: And you, drive the Leviathan out of here!
小崔: 而你,駕著利維坦離開這裡!
P: Yeah... What could possibly go wrong?
老豬: 是的...怎麼可能出錯呢?
P: This way.
老豬: 走這邊。
P: Whoa. It's huge. This machine is more incredible than my wettest dreams!
老豬: 哇。這還真巨大。這機械比我作過最鹹濕的夢還難以置信!
T: What did you just say?
小崔: 你剛剛說什麼?
P: This machine is more incredible than my wildest dreams!
老豬: 這機械比我作過最瘋狂的夢還難以置信!
M: That's not what you said.
猴哥: 你剛剛不是這麼說的。
T: Come on, let's just keep going...
小崔: 來吧,我們儘管繼續前進...
T: A terminal! Wait here. Okey, I have the schematics. The anchor points
are above us. Monkey, there's a route up. I've coded the Dragonfly to
lead the way. All you have to do is follow it.
小崔: 有終端機! 在這等一下。很好,我拿到設計圖了。這些固定點在我們上頭。
M: Sure.
猴哥: 當然。
P: Okey, I'll make my way up. No, I'm not gonna get through there.
I'll have to find a different way up. I need you with me, Monkey.
Get up here.
老豬: 了解,我也來找路上去。喔不,我沒辦法從這過去。
T: I'll stay here and figure out how this thing works.
小崔: 我留在這裡找看看這玩意該怎麼操作。
這些噴火的地方都是一樣的規律 噴 停 噴 停 噴~~~ 停~~~
P: Whoa! Look at the size of those gears.
老豬: 哇! 看看那些器械的大小。
M: Trip, we got a problem here. There are flames blocking our way.
猴哥: 崔普,我們這有了麻煩。這邊有火檔到了我們的路。
T: Okey... Uhh... Oh! I can shut off the burners from here.
小崔: 了解... 呃... 喔! 我可以從這裡把噴火口關掉。
M: Hey, hey! It's getting hotter...
猴哥: 喂,喂! 變更熱了...
T: Just let me shut these down.
小崔: 就等我關掉他嘛。
M: Ow! This is hot!
猴哥: 喔! 好燙!
M: Uhh... Uhh, I can't get through here.
猴哥: 呃... 呃,這裡我過不去。
P: Let's just blow this thing out of the way! Be careful not to damage
the cog.
老豬: 那就把這玩意從路上炸飛啊! 小心別傷到輪牙了。
M: Okey, okey.
猴哥: 知道了,知道了。
電漿彈等射擊完再拿 以免被系統吃掉子彈
P: Nice shot, Monkey! After you...
老豬: 射得好,蒙基! 你先走吧...
T: Can you see the way through? It's above you.
小崔: 你有看到過去的路嗎? 他在你上頭。
P: The anchor point has four couplings. We need to blow them off to
release the leg.I'll throw some more bombs.
老豬: 固定點有四個連結處。我們需要把他們都炸掉來解放腳部。我會丟更多炸彈。
一樣建議是射完再拿 以免被系統吃掉子彈
P: There's one./Nice shot./Almost done.
老豬: 爆一個/射得好/快完成了
P: Ah! Watch it, Monkey! We need this thing to work.
We've still got to drive this thing...(Relax, will ya?)
老豬: 啊! 小心點,蒙基! 我們還需要這玩意能運作。
P: Too slow, Monkey! I'll chuck another bomb for you.
老豬: 蒙基,動作太慢啦! 我在幫你扔顆炸彈。
P: Way! One leg done, three to go. Follow me...
老豬: 哇! 搞定一隻腳,還有三隻要弄。跟我來...
先別急著走 老豬腳下的區域有面具1/2
T: Whoa, whoa! Let me disable the security systems.
小崔: 哇哇! 讓我來關掉保全系統。
M: That's not good.
猴哥: 聽起來真不妙。
T: The mechs are using thermite to burn through the hull! We don't have
much time!
小崔: 機械正在用焊槍燒穿機體! 我們沒有太多時間了!
P: Follow me.
老豬: 跟我來。
第一個風火輪(?)左側是可以下去的 那邊有面具2/2
P: Now that's what I call a beam engine!
老豬: 現在這個就是我所謂的天平式動力機!
P: Okey. Same again, Monkey.
老豬: 好啦。再做一次,蒙基。
P: Okey, we've got some more couplings to deal with! How'd it going, Trip?
老豬: 好啦,我們又有更多的連結處要處理! 崔普,那邊狀況怎樣?
T: Just so you know, they're cutting through!
I'm sealing the inner doors, but they'll be in here soon.
小崔: 就跟你知道一樣,它們正在穿入中!
P: Okey. Same again, Monkey.
老豬: 好啦。再做一次,蒙基。
跟第一隻腳一樣 把四個位置的炸彈都射爆
P: Great, that's the two front anchors released! Get up here, Monkey!
老豬: 太棒了,前面兩個固定點解開來了! 上來這,蒙基!
P: I just love this thing. I'm lost for words...
老豬: 我真的很愛這玩意。真的難以用言語形容...
M: Hey Trip! Hey Trip, I can't get through here.
猴哥: 喂崔普! 喂崔普,我沒辦法越過這邊。
T: Umm... There! Can you get through now?
小崔: 呃... 就這了! 你現在能過去了嗎?
M: Yeah.
猴哥: 可以。
P: Hey, we can get back down in this lift.
老豬: 喂,我們可以坐這電梯下去。
T: Nice work, guys! Let's get to the last two anchor points.
小崔: 作得好,伙伴們。讓我們去剩下兩個固定點吧。
P: Is it just me or is this the most beautiful piece of machinery you've
ever seen? I mean, I really get off on it... I mean REALLY get off on it...
老豬: 只有我覺得嗎? 還是這是你們看過最美的一台機械? 我是說,我真的因為
這玩意感到非常性奮... 我真—的—因為這玩意感到非常性奮...
M: You know... I don't think we need to know that.
猴哥: 你知道的...我不認為我們需要知道這些。
P: Sorry... but I really do get off on it...
老豬: 抱歉... 可是我真的是因為這玩意感到非常性奮...(譯註1)
T: Okey, through here.
小崔: 好啦,穿過這吧。
T: Wow, this must be the power core...
小崔: 哇,這裡一定是能源核心...
P: This is incredible... They must've found every power cell in a 500-mile
radius... We'll need to come back here and jump start her when we've
done the couplings.
老豬: 真難以置信... 它們一定把方圓500哩內的能源槽都搜刮過來了。
T: I'll get this door open.
小崔: 我來開門。
P: What floor would you like, madam?
老豬: 女士,您要去幾樓?
P: Get up here, Monkey! Let's take a look.
老豬: 上來這,蒙基! 讓我們瞧瞧。
T: There's the next anchor point... and there's the other.
The Dragonfly will show you the way.
小崔: 這是下一個固定點... 而這是另一個。蜻蜓會告訴你路的。
T: There's a panel blocking the way up there.
小崔: 這邊有嵌版擋住往上的路。
M: Pigsy, do you have any more of those bombs?
猴哥: 八戒,你還有多的炸彈嗎。
P: Yeah, sure. Let's blow it open!
老豬: 喔是,當然有。讓我們把他炸飛!
M: Where to now?
猴哥: 現在要去哪?
P: Up there.
老豬: 上去那裡。
M: Up there? Okey...
猴哥: 上去那裡? 了解...
這面多兩個套筒陷阱 不過時間點很好抓就是
P: Meet me over here, Monkey, and I'll attach some bombs to the anchor.
Okey, time for some more target practice.
老豬: 在這等我,蒙基,我會黏幾個炸彈在固定點上。
不過這邊最後是去電漿彈*2旁邊射擊 那邊視野比較好XD
P: Nicely done! On to the next one.
老豬: 作得真好! 來去另一個那吧。
這老豬很賊的 這邊是這章最容易漏掉科技點的地方
那邊有一顆有保護色的科技點 這顆就值3%...orz
T: They're breached the outer hull! We have a minute or two before they
find us. Hurry! They're almost through the hull! Better step it up, guys!
小崔: 他們在外部機體開了個大洞! 在它們找到我們之前大概還有一兩分鐘。快點!
它們快穿過機體了! 最好加快速度,伙伴們!
P: Okey, this is the last one. Let's set this thing free...
老豬: 好啦,這是最後一個了。讓我們來解放她吧...
第四隻腳 應該不用說了XD
別忘了先拿 不然等一下被順移下去會哭喔XD
P: That's it, she's free!
老豬: 就是這樣,她自由了!
T: This way back to the power core.
小崔: 走這回能源核心。
T: Pigsy, you get to the control room and standby. Monkey, you stay with me
and buy me some time.
小崔: 八戒,你去控制室待命。蒙基,你留在這,幫我爭取一點時間。
M: They're coming.
猴哥: 它們來了。
T: Okey, okey, okey... If I can trace the diagnostic systems and find
a backdoor to the quartum encryption circuits, I can try to bypass
the security systems and then...
小崔: 那好,嗯,嗯... 如果我能追蹤診斷系統並寫找到量子加密電路的後門,
M: You know what? I'll just fight off an entire army while you do that.
猴哥: 你知道嗎? 你在做這些事的時候我可以去擊退整個軍隊。
T: Sounds like a plan!
小崔: 聽起來可行的樣子!
T: Okey, got it. In order to get this thing moving, I need to route power
to each of the four legs. Sounds like the mechs are on their way.
小崔: 好啦,我知道了。為了要讓這玩意動起來,我需要把能源傳到四隻腳上。
大概有四部分14波敵人 他們會到處亂跑
│C D│
W│ ╭╮ │E
│ ╰╯ │
│B A│
小弟有在敵人後面標記從哪出來 會去哪搞破壞
另外 BD兩根附近各有一個醫療包 有需要的可以自行取用XD
T: I'll lower the linking conduits one at a time. You should see the
first on coming down now.
小崔: 我會依序降下連結管線。你現在應該會看到第一個管線要下來了。
S: Alert! Alert! Please stand clear.
系統: 警告! 警告! 請勿靠近。
M: Yes, I see it.
猴哥: 對,我看到了。
T: They're coming in!
小崔: 它們進來了!
第1波: 敵3(拳擊1) S-A
T: They're attacking the cores!
小崔: 他們在攻擊核心!
M: Trip! Hey Trip! Can you help me out here?
猴哥: 崔普! 喂崔普! 你能幫我個忙嗎?
T: Monkey, I'm busy!
小崔: 蒙基,我正在忙!
第2波: 敵1(拳擊1) S-A
T: Okey... need to bypass the... No, that won't work.
小崔: 好了... 來繞過這... 不,這不能運作。
第3波: 敵4(電氣1 爆炸1 拳擊/盾1) S-A
T: Yes... Yes... Okey.
小崔: 對... 對... 好了。
S: Alert! Alert! Please stand clear.
系統: 警告! 警告! 請勿靠近。
T: Monkey, the next conduit is online! They're on the other side!
They're through the other door!
小崔: 蒙基,下一個管線在線上了! 他們在另一邊! 他們又從另一個門穿過來了。
第4波: 敵3(盾1) W-B
T: God damn it! The security is good!
小崔: 真是天殺的! 這保全系統還真好!
第5波: 敵3(電氣2 盾1) E-A
T: Monkey, I don't know if we're gonna be able to do this.
小崔: 蒙基,我不知道我們是否能完成這件事。
M: Just don't panic. Just keep going.
猴哥: 別慌,繼續作就好。
第6波: 敵2(電氣1 盾1) E-A 敵2(盾1) W-B
T: Getting there...
小崔: 搞定這了...
S: Alert! Alert! Please stand clear.
系統: 警告! 警告! 請勿靠近。
T: Here comes another one, Monkey!
小崔: 蒙基,另一條要下來了!
第7波: 敵2(遠距/盾2) W
第8波: 敵3(電氣1 拳擊/盾1) E-C
T: Oh shit! Blocked! Blocked again!
小崔: 喔媽的! 被擋住了! 又被擋住了!
第9波: 敵2(爆炸/盾1 電氣1) S-A
M: Hey. Trip, how ya doin' in there?
猴哥: 喂。崔普。你那怎樣了?
T: I can't talk! This system is crazily complicated.
小崔: 我沒空聊天! 不知道那個瘋子把這系統搞得這麼複雜。
第10波: 敵3(盾1) W-B
T: Nearly done...
小崔: 快搞定了...
S: Alert! Alert! Please stand clear.
系統: 警告! 警告! 請勿靠近。
T: Okey, here comes the last one?
Once this is online, the Leviathan will be fully operarional.
小崔: 好啦,這應該是最後一根了? 只要等這根上線,利維坦就可以完全操控了。
第11波: 敵2(遠距/盾1 電氣/盾1)W 敵1(遠距/盾1) E
T: Maybe if I reroute through here.
小崔: 也許我該繞過這裡。
第12波: 敵1(盾1)W-C 敵3(電氣/盾1 盾1) E-D
T: Yes! Monkey. I'm on to something!
小崔: 搞定! 蒙基。我快完成了!
第13波: 敵2(拳擊2) W-C
M: How may more of these guys are there?
猴哥: 這些機械還剩多少啊?
第14波: 敵2(電氣1 拳擊/盾1)E-A 敵2 W-B
T: Nearly there. I'm nearly there! Done it! We did it.
小崔: 快好了。就快好了! 搞定! 我們做到了。
S: Welcome. Initialising. Weapons online. Motion systems online.
Main cannon arming. Initialising complete. Awaiting command.
系統: 歡迎。起始化中。武器已上線。運動系統已上線。主加農炮準備發射。
P: Whooaaa. Time to get this thing moving!
老豬: 哇—。是該讓這玩意動起來了!
T: I've been wanting to talk to you... but there never seems to be a time.
When I found my father dead... I'm not trying to excuse what I've done.
I know I was wrong. I have no more right to enslave you than anyone does.
小崔: 我一直想要跟你說... 可是一直不是時候。當我發現我爸死掉的時候...
M: What have you done?
猴哥: 你剛作了什麼?
T: There's nothing controlling you anymore.
小崔: 再也沒有東西能控制你了。
M: So I can... I can just leave?
猴哥: 所以我可以...我可以就這樣離開了?
T: If that's what you want.
小崔: 如果你想要的話。
M: Turn it back on.
猴哥: 重新啟動它。
T: But I'm...
小崔: 可是我...
M: You heard what I just said. Turn it back on.
猴哥: 你聽到我說的了。重新啟動它。
獲得獎盃: Anchors Away!
譯註1: 我真的沒有打錯字><
最後那句"Turn it back on"真的很感動啊Q<>Q
All Comments

By Michael
at 2010-11-16T09:53
at 2010-11-16T09:53

By Liam
at 2010-11-19T16:30
at 2010-11-19T16:30

By Wallis
at 2010-11-21T21:27
at 2010-11-21T21:27

By Vanessa
at 2010-11-24T16:30
at 2010-11-24T16:30

By Steve
at 2010-11-27T22:19
at 2010-11-27T22:19

By Gary
at 2010-12-01T19:43
at 2010-12-01T19:43

By Mia
at 2010-12-04T07:46
at 2010-12-04T07:46

By Emily
at 2010-12-06T06:47
at 2010-12-06T06:47

By Enid
at 2010-12-07T15:04
at 2010-12-07T15:04

By Rachel
at 2010-12-11T00:11
at 2010-12-11T00:11

By Heather
at 2010-12-13T21:20
at 2010-12-13T21:20

By Caroline
at 2010-12-14T10:29
at 2010-12-14T10:29

By Ophelia
at 2010-12-17T18:03
at 2010-12-17T18:03

By Vanessa
at 2010-12-19T20:44
at 2010-12-19T20:44

By Ingrid
at 2010-12-24T15:42
at 2010-12-24T15:42

By Rachel
at 2010-12-27T21:43
at 2010-12-27T21:43

By Zenobia
at 2010-12-29T19:15
at 2010-12-29T19:15

By Yuri
at 2011-01-03T06:11
at 2011-01-03T06:11

By Olive
at 2011-01-07T06:43
at 2011-01-07T06:43
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