DSM2009 規則中譯 - 拼圖

By Xanthe
at 2009-09-02T15:58
at 2009-09-02T15:58
Table of Contents
※ 引述《puzzlez (渴望一份好工作)》之銘言:
: 聽說隔壁老王上次幫忙翻譯
: 結果痛風就好了耶!
: 還有巷口的小陳幫忙之後
: 功課也突飛猛進哦~^^
: 如果願意幫忙翻譯的板友
: 請在推文中說一下吧!^^ 等你哦~
: 文章原始出處:http://www.logic-masters.de/DSM2009/index.php
: 截稿日期:9/9
有錯的話麻煩提醒一下 萬分感謝 orz
: 1. The participants have to register timely before the contest and to add
: Name, Address, Citizenship and e-mail-address. It's recomended to do this
: before sunday, 13rd of September.
要填名字、地址、國籍之類的和 E-mail
建議 09/13 前弄好
: 2. The purpose of the contest is to identify the German Sudoku Champion and
: the German Team for the World Sudoku Championships. For this, the
: participants need to have the german citizenship. Participants without the
: german citizenship may also participate in the preliminaries, but will not be
: allowed to the finals.
這場比賽的目的是選出參加 World Sudoku Championships 的德國代表
如果你不是的話也可以玩 但是不能進決賽
: 3. A membership in the association "Logic Masters Deutschland e.V." is not
: necessary. (But of course welcome).
參賽者不需要是 Logic Masters Deutschland e.V. 的會員 (蛤?)
: 4. For the prelimiaries your browser needs to accept cookies. Make sure that
: you've configuered your browser to accept them. Additionally, there is a
: counter on the website, that shows the time till the end. In case, javascript
: is activated, this counter counts automatically down. Javascript is not
: necessary for the contest.
瀏覽器必須支援 cookies
另外比賽網頁上會有倒數計時器 有支援 javascript 的話可以看到它正常運作
: The Preliminaries
初 賽
: 1. About a week before the preliminaries, there will be a link on the
: Qualification page to a pdf file, that contains detailed descriptions of the
: puzzles. In case of lack of clarity you can ask questions in the forum until
: friday 18th of September.
初賽一週前會放出題型說明檔案 (pdf)
在 09/18 前對題目有問題都可以在討論板提出
: 2. At saturday, 19th of September in the morning, there will be a password
: encrypted qualification file available at the same page. Both files are in
: format pdf 1.4.
09/19 早上 (我想應該是德國的早上)
在同一個頁面會有個需要密碼才能看的 pdf 檔
: 3. At saturday, 19th of September you can query the password. Immediately
: after that your time starts. You've now got 2 hours to enter the solutions of
: the puzzles. Please note, that solutions entered after 24:00 will not count,
: regardless, when you queried the password.
當你查了之後時間就開始倒數 計時兩個小時 然後你可以開始填答
注意如果超過晚上 12 點填答就不算了
: 4. The candidates have to solve alle puzzles self-contained. Especially the
: help of other persons as well as the usage of computers, calculators, sudoku
: solvers, books and so on are not allowed. The only tools allowed are listed
: on the Tipps & Tricks page.
唯一能用的工具在 Tips & Tricks 頁面上
(隨便看了一下 大概是紙、鉛筆跟擦子之類的 囧)
: 5. For every correctly solved puzzle there will be avarded points according
: to the qualification file. Wrong solutions will yield a penalty of 5 points.
: A puzzle where you did not enter a solution will be worth 0 points. You can
: also cancel a solution by leaving the form empty.
: The points in the qualification file give roughly the time we expect you to
: need to solve the puzzle.
每題的佔分 大約跟主辦單位預期你解這題所要花的時間有關係
: 6. You have to enter all solutions in the two hours of working time.
: Solutions entered late will be punished with 1 point for every started 8
: seconds. You can send solutions several times. We will count the one you
: sended last.
超出時間的話 每八秒扣一分
你可以送答案很多次 只會算你最後一次送的答案
-- 下面幾點跟我們比較沒有關係 --
: 7. In case of equal points the time between the query of the password and the
: last essential transfer of a solution will be taken as a critereia. A
: transfer will be considered as essential if at least one result of one puzzle
: has changed.
當有平手的時候 解題時間也會納入考量 (詳細情形就不翻了)
: 8. The organizers do not expect any technical problems. In case there are
: some, they will be announced at the technical problems page. There you'll
: also find an emergency phone number.
如果到時候有任何 "技術上的問題" (大概是例如網頁掛點之類的)
請來電 orz
: 9. The rules of the contest have to be kept by all participants. From the
: winners of the preliminaries, we might ask to sign a loyalty oat.
: Participants who violate this rules might be removed from the contest at free
: will of the referees.
初賽冠軍要簽賣身契 (誤)
我想這跟我們應該比較沒關係 orz
: 10. The judge's decision is final.
: 聽說隔壁老王上次幫忙翻譯
: 結果痛風就好了耶!
: 還有巷口的小陳幫忙之後
: 功課也突飛猛進哦~^^
: 如果願意幫忙翻譯的板友
: 請在推文中說一下吧!^^ 等你哦~
: 文章原始出處:http://www.logic-masters.de/DSM2009/index.php
: 截稿日期:9/9
有錯的話麻煩提醒一下 萬分感謝 orz
: 1. The participants have to register timely before the contest and to add
: Name, Address, Citizenship and e-mail-address. It's recomended to do this
: before sunday, 13rd of September.
要填名字、地址、國籍之類的和 E-mail
建議 09/13 前弄好
: 2. The purpose of the contest is to identify the German Sudoku Champion and
: the German Team for the World Sudoku Championships. For this, the
: participants need to have the german citizenship. Participants without the
: german citizenship may also participate in the preliminaries, but will not be
: allowed to the finals.
這場比賽的目的是選出參加 World Sudoku Championships 的德國代表
如果你不是的話也可以玩 但是不能進決賽
: 3. A membership in the association "Logic Masters Deutschland e.V." is not
: necessary. (But of course welcome).
參賽者不需要是 Logic Masters Deutschland e.V. 的會員 (蛤?)
: 4. For the prelimiaries your browser needs to accept cookies. Make sure that
: you've configuered your browser to accept them. Additionally, there is a
: counter on the website, that shows the time till the end. In case, javascript
: is activated, this counter counts automatically down. Javascript is not
: necessary for the contest.
瀏覽器必須支援 cookies
另外比賽網頁上會有倒數計時器 有支援 javascript 的話可以看到它正常運作
: The Preliminaries
初 賽
: 1. About a week before the preliminaries, there will be a link on the
: Qualification page to a pdf file, that contains detailed descriptions of the
: puzzles. In case of lack of clarity you can ask questions in the forum until
: friday 18th of September.
初賽一週前會放出題型說明檔案 (pdf)
在 09/18 前對題目有問題都可以在討論板提出
: 2. At saturday, 19th of September in the morning, there will be a password
: encrypted qualification file available at the same page. Both files are in
: format pdf 1.4.
09/19 早上 (我想應該是德國的早上)
在同一個頁面會有個需要密碼才能看的 pdf 檔
: 3. At saturday, 19th of September you can query the password. Immediately
: after that your time starts. You've now got 2 hours to enter the solutions of
: the puzzles. Please note, that solutions entered after 24:00 will not count,
: regardless, when you queried the password.
當你查了之後時間就開始倒數 計時兩個小時 然後你可以開始填答
注意如果超過晚上 12 點填答就不算了
: 4. The candidates have to solve alle puzzles self-contained. Especially the
: help of other persons as well as the usage of computers, calculators, sudoku
: solvers, books and so on are not allowed. The only tools allowed are listed
: on the Tipps & Tricks page.
唯一能用的工具在 Tips & Tricks 頁面上
(隨便看了一下 大概是紙、鉛筆跟擦子之類的 囧)
: 5. For every correctly solved puzzle there will be avarded points according
: to the qualification file. Wrong solutions will yield a penalty of 5 points.
: A puzzle where you did not enter a solution will be worth 0 points. You can
: also cancel a solution by leaving the form empty.
: The points in the qualification file give roughly the time we expect you to
: need to solve the puzzle.
每題的佔分 大約跟主辦單位預期你解這題所要花的時間有關係
: 6. You have to enter all solutions in the two hours of working time.
: Solutions entered late will be punished with 1 point for every started 8
: seconds. You can send solutions several times. We will count the one you
: sended last.
超出時間的話 每八秒扣一分
你可以送答案很多次 只會算你最後一次送的答案
-- 下面幾點跟我們比較沒有關係 --
: 7. In case of equal points the time between the query of the password and the
: last essential transfer of a solution will be taken as a critereia. A
: transfer will be considered as essential if at least one result of one puzzle
: has changed.
當有平手的時候 解題時間也會納入考量 (詳細情形就不翻了)
: 8. The organizers do not expect any technical problems. In case there are
: some, they will be announced at the technical problems page. There you'll
: also find an emergency phone number.
如果到時候有任何 "技術上的問題" (大概是例如網頁掛點之類的)
請來電 orz
: 9. The rules of the contest have to be kept by all participants. From the
: winners of the preliminaries, we might ask to sign a loyalty oat.
: Participants who violate this rules might be removed from the contest at free
: will of the referees.
初賽冠軍要簽賣身契 (誤)
我想這跟我們應該比較沒關係 orz
: 10. The judge's decision is final.
All Comments

By Oliver
at 2009-09-03T02:49
at 2009-09-03T02:49

By Doris
at 2009-09-03T22:07
at 2009-09-03T22:07

By Delia
at 2009-09-04T09:14
at 2009-09-04T09:14

By Dinah
at 2009-09-08T06:04
at 2009-09-08T06:04

By Queena
at 2009-09-10T18:09
at 2009-09-10T18:09

By Belly
at 2009-09-15T01:18
at 2009-09-15T01:18

By Belly
at 2009-09-17T01:52
at 2009-09-17T01:52
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