Dapplegrey v2.8.1 - 模擬器

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-03-30T16:07

Table of Contents


Dapplegrey 2.8.1 - Fixed Disk Image handling, continued

* If a game is stored on different path than given in preferences (Base drive
c: path), Dapplegrey no longer tells DOSBox to mount this base drive c: path
in second place, while game′s drive c: path already has been mounted.
* The internal mount method used by Dapplegrey to imgmount stuff in DOSBox
also mounts CD images correctly now, if their extension names are longer than
3 chars (′S2.toast′ seen by DOSBox as ′S2~1.TOA′. Length of extension
name doesn′t matter in this case, but if extension name is longer than 3
chars, DOSBox sees it as ′S2~1.TOA′ instead of simply ′S2.TOA′). Future
versions of Dapplegrey may offer imgmounting
full Mac path as option, which would be more compatible than trying to
truncate the disk images filenames to match the DOS 8.3 naming conventions
before imgmounting the disk image.
* Usually, Dapplegrey now tries to snip the Path to the imgmounted disk
images, if user′s name is within (′Volumes/Macintosh
HD/Users/username/documents/diskimages/s2.cdr′), the path will be snipped to
′~/documents/diskimages/s2.cdr′ now. In DOSBox, the shorter the path to be
mounted, the better. Unfortunately, shorting doesn′t
work if the user adds a folder to imgmount its content. For disk images to be
mounted, if a folder has been added instead of particular files, Dapplegrey
tries to mount all disk images of that folder that match the disk drive type
selected (floppy, hard disk, CD-ROM), independent of their name. For single
disk images, Dapplegrey′s new internal snipping method works fine.
* Dapplegrey is now disabling some stuff regarding to toolbox entries:
Network settings and imgmount stuff has been
disabled in order to simplify bugfixing some stuff. For some reasons,
reading games list regarding toolbox entries mixed up some settings.
* If the user enables an additional drive in the toolbox entries, Dapplegrey
remembers it now correct. For example, main reason to enable a drive C: to
the ′Mah Jongg V-G-A′ game by Ron Balewski included in the Dapplegrey
toolbox is to enable the option to save a game.


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Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-03-30T09:33
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Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2010-03-30T00:21
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Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-03-29T22:45
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By Blanche
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