CBM prg Studio 2.5.1 - 模擬器

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2012-09-15T13:55

Table of Contents


CBM prg Studio allows you to type a BASIC or machine code program in using a
nice Windows environment and convert it to a '.prg' file which you can run on
an emulator, or even real hardware if you're feeling brave and have the right

The following machines can be developed for:
‧Commodore 64
‧Commodore 128
‧Commodore VIC 20
‧Commodore 16
‧Commodore Plus/4
‧Commodore PET BASIC 2 machines, e.g. PET 2001
‧Commodore PET BASIC 4 machines, e.g. PET 4000/9000

What CBM prg Studio isn't is a front-end for tok64, cbmcnvrt, bastext or any
other tokeniser/detokeniser/assembler. It's all been written completely from

New features in v2.5.1:
■Some of the IDE's colours can be changed (background, tab strip, selected
and non-selected windows).
■Menu to control open windows.
■Warnings if invalid BASIC jump (goto, gosub etc.) destinations are detected.
■ZPOpt directive added


All Comments


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-09-14T14:25
在開始前,我插播一下無關的小廣告,今天是國家考試物理治療師放榜的日子。 之前考國家證照,原本考完當下出來成績是差3題沒過! (那時候我在寫魔神轉生一代攻略文。搭配剛被劈腿的事,心情整個盪到谷底==) 但後來努力申訴提出題目釋疑後,順利改正7題之多! 逆轉變成考取! 「UlyssesLin轉職成物理治療師了!」 ...

(WIP) Kale's Mame WipC - The COP Diary #1

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-09-14T11:44
2012.09.14    有進展就算是好消息了。 For the four people that lives in Mars, the Seibu COP is one of the most evil system protections ever studied by mank ...

SFC 的馬力歐有幾款

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2012-09-14T10:38
※ 引述《dvdr2001 (超人 C)》之銘言: : SFC 的瑪莉歐到底有幾款阿 : 我只玩過馬利歐世界 : 除了這片還有其他的卷軸過關型瑪莉歐嗎 スーパーマリオワールド 1990年11月21日 スーパーマリオコレクション 1993年7月14日 スーパーマリオ ヨ ...

SFC 的馬力歐有幾款

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2012-09-14T01:18
SFC 的瑪莉歐到底有幾款阿 我只玩過馬利歐世界 除了這片還有其他的卷軸過關型瑪莉歐嗎 - ...

月下:對決ドラキュラ前 (搞笑版翻譯)

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2012-09-13T22:16
アルカード:父上... (老爸...) ドラキュラ:ほう,誰かと思えば,久しいな,我が息子よ (哦...我想說是誰又吵醒了我...原來是你這個不孝子啊...) アルカード:できるなら,會いたくはなかった.. ...