bsnes v0.033 - 模擬器

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-07-20T13:30

Table of Contents

This release adds SPC7110 emulation, without the need for graphics packs!!,
and a rewritten S-RTC (real-time clock) emulator.

SPC7110 support means that Far East of Eden Zero, FEoEZ: Shounen Jump
Edition, Momotarou Dentetsu Happy and Super Power League 4 are now all fully
playable. I will warn you, the emulation is very slow in this version --
while most areas of each game will run at the same speed as other games,
there are a few peak moments where speed will drop by up to ~50%. The reason
for the slow-down is that I am currently uncertain how to determine the
amount of data to decompress in advance, so I default to the maximum amount
possible. The reason I am releasing now anyway, is because I beleive in the
"release early, release often" paradigm. It will likely take me a few weeks
to finish researching this chip, and I didn't want to keep the work I had
private during that time. But rest assured, bsnes v034 should feature much
faster SPC7110 emulation.

neviksti, Andreas Naive and jolly_codger worked non-stop on the SPC7110
decompression algorithm for the past two weeks. caitsith2 provided valuable
data to the effort. I only wish that I could've been of some use, but alas, I
had no role in this. In the end, it was neviksti who managed to crack all
three(!!) compression modes of this chip, which turned out to be a customized
8-bit QM-coder with a prediction model. You can read more about this here. I
would also like to thank Dark Force and John Weidman (aka The Dumper) for
their research notes on the SPC7110 register interface.

For those who don't understand the hoopla about figuring out this compression
algorithm when we already had graphics pack simulation, I should note that we
have since found a few errors in these packs. Not to mention, you no longer
need ~4-16MB packs for each game you wish to run. They work like any other
game now. Better still, the chip can now be used to compress new graphics, eg
for any future translation efforts on these titles.

The real-time clocks in both Far East of Eden Zero and Dai Kaijuu Monogatari
2 will now save a ".rtc" file in your save folder, which contains the clock
as set by the video game, as well as a timestamp from your computer when the
time was last updated. It uses the difference between the saved timestamp and
current time to update the time. This allows you to specify any time you
like, whereas previously bsnes would just use your computer's current time,
ignoring the time you set in-game. It also allows the "round clock by 30
seconds" option in both games to work. I avoided this before because this
method makes supporting daylight savings time and such impractical, although
I should note that the original hardware did not support DST, either. This
method was required to pass the SPC7110 tests, and is overall much more
faithful to how the original chips worked.

Once again, I'd really like to personally thank neviksti for his tireless
efforts. Eliminating graphics packs from SNES emulation was one of my primary
reasons for getting involved in the SNES emulation scene. That neviksti
managed to crack this algorithm means a lot to me. Thank you so much,
neviksti. This release is dedicated to you, now go get some sleep ;)



All Comments


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