Makaron Test 10.1 - 模擬器

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2008-07-19T18:55

Table of Contents

Well, this isn′t the surprise I was talking about but it′s still better
than nothing
Makaron Test 10/1 is out. You know the drill.

T9/4 and T10 were rather unstable but this time around I′m more happy with
both GD and DMA code. It′s not just bugfixes though, there are several new
features in this version:
- support for VMU sounds
- improved Z-buffering
- fully functional DSP
- experimental anisotropic filtering

DSP is enabled by default. It might slow down things a bit, though (as usual)
if you have a fast C2D you won′t notice it. I′m really considering running
whole AICA on separate thread now by the way, so it should improve in future
for multi-core systems.
Please note that there′s a slight slowdown noticable (in audio) when
sequenced music is being played, in all Makaron versions released so far.
This is sort of design flaw (and due to rather demanding hardware setup) and
will be someday corrected.

Anisotropic filtering is too enabled by default, to 8x - it will be scaled
down if your card can′t support such mode. This will only be a problem for
those cheap cards that support AFx8 but are very slow at it, in this case you
might get quite a performance drop. If this becomes an issuse I′ll tell you
how to disable AF


All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-07-20T08:54


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-07-19T17:09
名稱:カゲ—闇の仕事人(Kage) - J (Shadow of the Ninja)- U (Blue Shadow) - E 載圖: ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2008-07-19T15:22
類似魂斗羅一樣的雙人闖關射擊 但武器需要拿到key再去打開武器箱 才能獲得武器 印象中武器有火焰槍、散彈槍跟很強的紅色芭樂 武器還有使用數次 難度覺得還蠻高的 印象中沒破關過 很想再次回味 thx~ - ...

第二次超級機器人大戰G "日文版"

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2008-07-19T14:25
______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:GB 內容陳述:原則上可以算是紅白機的第二次機戰加強版,加入了G鋼彈和V鋼彈系列 故事骨架以紅白機版為主,但遊戲畫面 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-07-19T13:55
※ 引述《jeanvanjohn (尚市長)》之銘言: : 快被氣瘋了... : 測試片: alpha外傳 : 程式: epsxe1.6中文版 省先我認為你該去官方找最新的版本 不要去抓人家分享的東西 別人分享出來的版本或多或少會把設定參數殘留在其中 一用上你的電腦就會發生莫名其妙的問題 所以去官方找乾淨的預 ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-07-19T13:44
※ 引述《jeanvanjohn (尚市長)》之銘言: : 精華區有網友問過,用PSX要怎樣玩吉翁的系譜,結果沒有答案... : 我想再問一次,PSX(我現在是用1.13)只能讀到影像檔,可是吉翁的系譜它的檔案都是 : .xa,.str..mkd, 音訊格式/字本/圖影格式 這都是光碟內的資料 照理說你抓的 ...