NES: MuNES v1.0 - 模擬器

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-07-19T19:13

Table of Contents

Here is the entry:

MuNES, as the name implies, is a NES emulator programmed in 64KB. It is
written in pure Win32 C/C++ and focuses on pure size and speed. It uses
OpenGL as a 3D renderer, and is not tested or intended for use with Vista.

Due to lack of time and size limits, I had to omit some features. Of course,
in due course, these will be added.

A CHM readme is included, as well as several custom shader filters.


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Makaron Test 10.1

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2008-07-19T18:55 Well, this isn′t the surprise I was talking about but it′s still better than nothing Makaron Test 10/1 is out. You know the ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-07-19T17:09
名稱:カゲ—闇の仕事人(Kage) - J (Shadow of the Ninja)- U (Blue Shadow) - E 載圖: ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2008-07-19T15:22
類似魂斗羅一樣的雙人闖關射擊 但武器需要拿到key再去打開武器箱 才能獲得武器 印象中武器有火焰槍、散彈槍跟很強的紅色芭樂 武器還有使用數次 難度覺得還蠻高的 印象中沒破關過 很想再次回味 thx~ - ...

第二次超級機器人大戰G "日文版"

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2008-07-19T14:25
______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:GB 內容陳述:原則上可以算是紅白機的第二次機戰加強版,加入了G鋼彈和V鋼彈系列 故事骨架以紅白機版為主,但遊戲畫面 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-07-19T13:55
※ 引述《jeanvanjohn (尚市長)》之銘言: : 快被氣瘋了... : 測試片: alpha外傳 : 程式: epsxe1.6中文版 省先我認為你該去官方找最新的版本 不要去抓人家分享的東西 別人分享出來的版本或多或少會把設定參數殘留在其中 一用上你的電腦就會發生莫名其妙的問題 所以去官方找乾淨的預 ...