BANG﹗﹗─ 角色能力說明書 - 桌遊

By Liam
at 2006-07-12T02:35
at 2006-07-12T02:35
Table of Contents
Bart Cassidy(4 life points):
each time he loses a life point, he immediately draws a card from the deck.
Black Jack(4 life points):(黑傑克)
during the phase 1 of his turn, he must show the second card he draws:
if it's Heart or Diamonds(just like a "draw!"),he draws one additional card
(without revealing it).
Calamity Janet(4 life points):(Miss & Bang 小姐)
she can use BANG! cards as Missed! cards and vice versa.If she plays
a Missed! card as a BANG!, she cannot play another BANG! card
that turn(unless she has a Volcanic in play)
El Gringo(3 life points):(EL)
each time he loses a life point due to a card played by another player,
he draws a random card from the hands of that player(one card per life point).
If that player has no more cards,too bad!
Note that Dynamite damages are not caused by any player.
Jesse Jones(4 life points):
during phase 1 of his turn, he may choose to draw the first card from
the deck,or randomly from the hand of any other player. Then he draws
the second card from the deck.
Jourdonnais(4 life points):(天生啤酒肚、啤酒男)
he is considered to have a Barrel card in play at all times;
he can "draw!" when he is target of a BANG!, and on a Heart he is missed.
If he has another real Barrel card in play,he can count both of them,
giving him two chances to cancel the BANG! before playing a Missed ! card
他在遊戲中總是擁一個Barrel card(啤酒桶)。當他被BANG!當目標時,他可以
"抽牌"(檢定)如果是紅心就代替一張Missed卡。假如他裝備另一張的Barrel card
他可以兩個一起使用,讓他在使用Missed card前擁有兩次機會閃過Bang!!
Kit Carlson(4 life points):(抽三選二)
during the phase 1 of his turn, he looks at the top three card of the deck:
he chooses 2 to draw, and puts the other one back on the top of the deck,
face down
Lucky Duke(4 life points):(檢定男)
each time he is required to "draw!", he flips the top two cards from
the deck, and chooses the result he prefers. Discard both cards afterwards.
Paul Regret(3 life points):(膽小保羅、龜仙人)
he is considered to have a Mustang card in play at all times;
all other players must add 1 to the distance to him.If he has
another real Mustang card in play, he can count both of them,
increasing all distances to him by a total of 2.
他在遊戲中總是擁有一張Mustang card(距離+1馬),所有人跟他的距離+1
假如他遊戲中裝備另一張Mustang card,兩張卡同時計算,所有人跟他距離+2
Pedro Ramirez(4 life points):(拾荒者、拾荒老人)
during the first phase of his turn, he may choose to draw the first card
from the top of the discard pile or from the deck. Then, he draws
the second card from the deck.
Rose Doolan(4 life points):
she is considered to have an Appaloosa card in play at all times;
she sees the other players at a distance decreased by 1. If she has another
real Appaloosa card in play, she can conut both of them, reducing
her distance to all other players by a total of 2.
他在遊戲中總是擁有一張Appaloosa card(距離-1馬),他看所有人的距離-1
假如他遊戲中裝備另一張Appaloosa card,兩張卡同時計算,看所有人距離-2
Sid Ketchum(4 life points):(補血機)
at any time, he may discard 2 cards from his hand to regain one life point.
If he is willing and able, he can use this ability more than once at a time.
But remember: you cannot have more life points than the starting amount!
Slab the Killer(4 life points):(神槍手)
Players trying to cancel his BANG! cards need to play 2 Missed! cards.
The Barrel effect, if successfully used, only counts as one Missed!.
玩家必須使用兩張Missed card才能閃過,如果啤酒桶檢定成功,
只能算一張Missed card
(也就是當啤酒桶檢定成功還是得再打一張Missed card才能閃避成功)
Suzy Lafayette(4 life points):
as soon as she has no cards in her hand, she draws a card from the draw pile.
Vulture Sam(4 life points):(禿鷹男、撿骨、盜墓者)
whenever a character is eliminated from the game, Sam takes all the cards
that player had in his hand and in play, and adds them to his hand.
Willy the Kid(4 life points):
he can play any number of BANG! cards during his turn.
在他回合時,他可以任意使用Bang card,不限次數
Bart Cassidy(4 life points):
each time he loses a life point, he immediately draws a card from the deck.
Black Jack(4 life points):(黑傑克)
during the phase 1 of his turn, he must show the second card he draws:
if it's Heart or Diamonds(just like a "draw!"),he draws one additional card
(without revealing it).
Calamity Janet(4 life points):(Miss & Bang 小姐)
she can use BANG! cards as Missed! cards and vice versa.If she plays
a Missed! card as a BANG!, she cannot play another BANG! card
that turn(unless she has a Volcanic in play)
El Gringo(3 life points):(EL)
each time he loses a life point due to a card played by another player,
he draws a random card from the hands of that player(one card per life point).
If that player has no more cards,too bad!
Note that Dynamite damages are not caused by any player.
Jesse Jones(4 life points):
during phase 1 of his turn, he may choose to draw the first card from
the deck,or randomly from the hand of any other player. Then he draws
the second card from the deck.
Jourdonnais(4 life points):(天生啤酒肚、啤酒男)
he is considered to have a Barrel card in play at all times;
he can "draw!" when he is target of a BANG!, and on a Heart he is missed.
If he has another real Barrel card in play,he can count both of them,
giving him two chances to cancel the BANG! before playing a Missed ! card
他在遊戲中總是擁一個Barrel card(啤酒桶)。當他被BANG!當目標時,他可以
"抽牌"(檢定)如果是紅心就代替一張Missed卡。假如他裝備另一張的Barrel card
他可以兩個一起使用,讓他在使用Missed card前擁有兩次機會閃過Bang!!
Kit Carlson(4 life points):(抽三選二)
during the phase 1 of his turn, he looks at the top three card of the deck:
he chooses 2 to draw, and puts the other one back on the top of the deck,
face down
Lucky Duke(4 life points):(檢定男)
each time he is required to "draw!", he flips the top two cards from
the deck, and chooses the result he prefers. Discard both cards afterwards.
Paul Regret(3 life points):(膽小保羅、龜仙人)
he is considered to have a Mustang card in play at all times;
all other players must add 1 to the distance to him.If he has
another real Mustang card in play, he can count both of them,
increasing all distances to him by a total of 2.
他在遊戲中總是擁有一張Mustang card(距離+1馬),所有人跟他的距離+1
假如他遊戲中裝備另一張Mustang card,兩張卡同時計算,所有人跟他距離+2
Pedro Ramirez(4 life points):(拾荒者、拾荒老人)
during the first phase of his turn, he may choose to draw the first card
from the top of the discard pile or from the deck. Then, he draws
the second card from the deck.
Rose Doolan(4 life points):
she is considered to have an Appaloosa card in play at all times;
she sees the other players at a distance decreased by 1. If she has another
real Appaloosa card in play, she can conut both of them, reducing
her distance to all other players by a total of 2.
他在遊戲中總是擁有一張Appaloosa card(距離-1馬),他看所有人的距離-1
假如他遊戲中裝備另一張Appaloosa card,兩張卡同時計算,看所有人距離-2
Sid Ketchum(4 life points):(補血機)
at any time, he may discard 2 cards from his hand to regain one life point.
If he is willing and able, he can use this ability more than once at a time.
But remember: you cannot have more life points than the starting amount!
Slab the Killer(4 life points):(神槍手)
Players trying to cancel his BANG! cards need to play 2 Missed! cards.
The Barrel effect, if successfully used, only counts as one Missed!.
玩家必須使用兩張Missed card才能閃過,如果啤酒桶檢定成功,
只能算一張Missed card
(也就是當啤酒桶檢定成功還是得再打一張Missed card才能閃避成功)
Suzy Lafayette(4 life points):
as soon as she has no cards in her hand, she draws a card from the draw pile.
Vulture Sam(4 life points):(禿鷹男、撿骨、盜墓者)
whenever a character is eliminated from the game, Sam takes all the cards
that player had in his hand and in play, and adds them to his hand.
Willy the Kid(4 life points):
he can play any number of BANG! cards during his turn.
在他回合時,他可以任意使用Bang card,不限次數
All Comments

By Donna
at 2006-07-13T08:01
at 2006-07-13T08:01

By Zenobia
at 2006-07-15T09:25
at 2006-07-15T09:25

By Catherine
at 2006-07-16T12:35
at 2006-07-16T12:35

By Lily
at 2006-07-19T06:30
at 2006-07-19T06:30

By Daph Bay
at 2006-07-21T11:58
at 2006-07-21T11:58
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