A Dual Boot Plan - 改機

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-03-31T08:55
at 2011-03-31T08:55
Table of Contents
graf_chokolo says:
March 30, 2011 at 7:06 pm
Of course, just like on 3.15. It's not hard to implement.
I wanted to implement it the following way. Store a flag on VFLASH
region where petitboot is stored too. Read this flag in HV before
booting petitboot or GameOS. If flag is set then boot petitboot else
boot GameOS. And on Linux you can set/unset this flag and for GameOS
we need a similar tool.
As i said just like it was on 3.15. I'm just restoring and improving
the functionality SONY took away from us
昨天有人問說,既然把 Linux裝在VFLASH區域不會被GameOS蓋掉,那把GameOS升
級到3.60是否也能保有 Linux?graf_chokolo回應說沒錯,但要怎麼開機進入
Linux 會是個問題,他的想法是在VFLASH裡面弄一個設定檔設個旗標,如果旗標
被設成要進入GameOS就進GameOS,不然就進 Linux。然後在GameOS裡面弄一個更
改旗標的程式,方便使用者更改預設的開機順序,就跟OtherOS 被拔掉之前一樣
儘管這樣升級到3.60還能保有 Linux是沒問題,但graf_chokolo還是不建議大家
升級到3.60(看來他也沒什麼 PSN連線需求)。
VFLASH區域來安裝 Linux
看來值得好好研究,把 GT5備份刪掉割個20GB給 Linux應該很夠用。
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。 ★(_ _)( \( )( \/ )( ___)( \( )(_ _)( _ )( _ \
o _)(_ ) ( \ / )__) ) ( )( )(_)( ) / ● ‧
(____)(_)\_) \/ (____)(_)\_) (__) (_____)(_)\_) ★
graf_chokolo says:
March 30, 2011 at 7:06 pm
Of course, just like on 3.15. It's not hard to implement.
I wanted to implement it the following way. Store a flag on VFLASH
region where petitboot is stored too. Read this flag in HV before
booting petitboot or GameOS. If flag is set then boot petitboot else
boot GameOS. And on Linux you can set/unset this flag and for GameOS
we need a similar tool.
As i said just like it was on 3.15. I'm just restoring and improving
the functionality SONY took away from us
昨天有人問說,既然把 Linux裝在VFLASH區域不會被GameOS蓋掉,那把GameOS升
級到3.60是否也能保有 Linux?graf_chokolo回應說沒錯,但要怎麼開機進入
Linux 會是個問題,他的想法是在VFLASH裡面弄一個設定檔設個旗標,如果旗標
被設成要進入GameOS就進GameOS,不然就進 Linux。然後在GameOS裡面弄一個更
改旗標的程式,方便使用者更改預設的開機順序,就跟OtherOS 被拔掉之前一樣
儘管這樣升級到3.60還能保有 Linux是沒問題,但graf_chokolo還是不建議大家
升級到3.60(看來他也沒什麼 PSN連線需求)。
VFLASH區域來安裝 Linux
看來值得好好研究,把 GT5備份刪掉割個20GB給 Linux應該很夠用。
○ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ _____ ____
。 ★(_ _)( \( )( \/ )( ___)( \( )(_ _)( _ )( _ \
o _)(_ ) ( \ / )__) ) ( )( )(_)( ) / ● ‧
(____)(_)\_) \/ (____)(_)\_) (__) (_____)(_)\_) ★
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