PRO-C 進度 請大大幫忙翻譯@@ - 改機

By Rebecca
at 2011-03-30T10:47
at 2011-03-30T10:47
Table of Contents
※ 引述《twisted1121 (怎麼會是你)》之銘言:
: 以下是原文↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
: Good Evening fellow readers.
: A long day has come to pass again and it’s time to notify you all of our
: current status and future plans.
: First, let’s go for the bad news, due to the lack of betatesters for the
: online mode, we weren’t progressing as fast as we wanted on the online
: feature development, making it impossible to finish the necessary online mode
: feature for PRO-C before the Genesis Competition deadline comes to pass.
首先,先來題一些壞消息,由於我們缺乏許多測試員(Beta Tester)來測試Online Mode,
所以Online Mode的進度十分緩慢,完全沒辦法在Genesis Competition截止之前把Pro-C
: On the other hand though, this only means that PRO-C will take longer than
: planned, not that it is cancelled.
: Thus, we will be handing in PRO-B4 as our Genesis Competition entry and
: release PRO-C as a followup release after the Genesis Competition has come to
: pass.
因此,在Genesis Competition上我們會先發表Pro-B4,稍後晚些才會再發表Pro-C。
: We intend to use the following week to do intensive betatesting on our latest
: release to ensure you guys are getting only the best of the best.
接下來幾周,我們將會進行密集的測試(Intensive Beta Testing)我們最新的版本,以確
: Even though it’s a bit early, here is the changelog of PRO-B4 for your
: viewing pleasure. :D
: New ISO Driver “Inferno” (boosting game compatiblity by a lot)
新的ISO Driver「Inferno」(大幅加強遊戲相容性)
: Version.txt Display (people wanted it, there it is)
: Improved Plugin Compatiblity (NID resolver changes + other fixes)
增強插件相容性(一些NID resolver的改變等等)
: Custom PSX Manual Compatiblity
自製PSX的相容性 呃對不起這條看不太懂翻得怪怪的orz
: Parental Level Check for ISOs
在根目錄檢查ISO檔 這表示備份檔不用再放在ISO資料夾下?
: Anti NBGI Fixes (fixes a bunch of “broken” games)
修正Anti NBGI(修復一堆「爆炸」的遊戲)
: This is of course, just a temporary changelog… and I’m pretty sure quite a
: few things will get added to it over the following week… as we fix bugs and
: prepare the release candidate for a public release.
: Greetings, Coldbird.
大致翻譯一下:P 有些專有(?)名詞看不太懂翻起來怪怪的煩請指正<(_ _)>
About me? Please visit: 關於我?我的網路電子名片
: 以下是原文↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
: Good Evening fellow readers.
: A long day has come to pass again and it’s time to notify you all of our
: current status and future plans.
: First, let’s go for the bad news, due to the lack of betatesters for the
: online mode, we weren’t progressing as fast as we wanted on the online
: feature development, making it impossible to finish the necessary online mode
: feature for PRO-C before the Genesis Competition deadline comes to pass.
首先,先來題一些壞消息,由於我們缺乏許多測試員(Beta Tester)來測試Online Mode,
所以Online Mode的進度十分緩慢,完全沒辦法在Genesis Competition截止之前把Pro-C
: On the other hand though, this only means that PRO-C will take longer than
: planned, not that it is cancelled.
: Thus, we will be handing in PRO-B4 as our Genesis Competition entry and
: release PRO-C as a followup release after the Genesis Competition has come to
: pass.
因此,在Genesis Competition上我們會先發表Pro-B4,稍後晚些才會再發表Pro-C。
: We intend to use the following week to do intensive betatesting on our latest
: release to ensure you guys are getting only the best of the best.
接下來幾周,我們將會進行密集的測試(Intensive Beta Testing)我們最新的版本,以確
: Even though it’s a bit early, here is the changelog of PRO-B4 for your
: viewing pleasure. :D
: New ISO Driver “Inferno” (boosting game compatiblity by a lot)
新的ISO Driver「Inferno」(大幅加強遊戲相容性)
: Version.txt Display (people wanted it, there it is)
: Improved Plugin Compatiblity (NID resolver changes + other fixes)
增強插件相容性(一些NID resolver的改變等等)
: Custom PSX Manual Compatiblity
自製PSX的相容性 呃對不起這條看不太懂翻得怪怪的orz
: Parental Level Check for ISOs
在根目錄檢查ISO檔 這表示備份檔不用再放在ISO資料夾下?
: Anti NBGI Fixes (fixes a bunch of “broken” games)
修正Anti NBGI(修復一堆「爆炸」的遊戲)
: This is of course, just a temporary changelog… and I’m pretty sure quite a
: few things will get added to it over the following week… as we fix bugs and
: prepare the release candidate for a public release.
: Greetings, Coldbird.
大致翻譯一下:P 有些專有(?)名詞看不太懂翻起來怪怪的煩請指正<(_ _)>
About me? Please visit: 關於我?我的網路電子名片
All Comments

By Zora
at 2011-04-03T02:44
at 2011-04-03T02:44

By Puput
at 2011-04-03T17:44
at 2011-04-03T17:44

By Kama
at 2011-04-07T09:03
at 2011-04-07T09:03

By Eartha
at 2011-04-09T08:00
at 2011-04-09T08:00

By Olivia
at 2011-04-10T01:41
at 2011-04-10T01:41

By Jack
at 2011-04-12T23:32
at 2011-04-12T23:32
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