PRO-C 進度 請大大幫忙翻譯@@ - 改機

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-03-30T09:53

Table of Contents

各位板大好 小弟不才 外語始終不是我的強項= =

所以請板上的大大們 幫忙翻譯一下 感謝 <(_ _)>


Good Evening fellow readers.

A long day has come to pass again and it’s time to notify you all of our
current status and future plans.

First, let’s go for the bad news, due to the lack of betatesters for the
online mode, we weren’t progressing as fast as we wanted on the online
feature development, making it impossible to finish the necessary online mode
feature for PRO-C before the Genesis Competition deadline comes to pass.

On the other hand though, this only means that PRO-C will take longer than
planned, not that it is cancelled.

Thus, we will be handing in PRO-B4 as our Genesis Competition entry and
release PRO-C as a followup release after the Genesis Competition has come to

We intend to use the following week to do intensive betatesting on our latest
release to ensure you guys are getting only the best of the best.

Even though it’s a bit early, here is the changelog of PRO-B4 for your
viewing pleasure. :D

New ISO Driver “Inferno” (boosting game compatiblity by a lot)
Version.txt Display (people wanted it, there it is)
Improved Plugin Compatiblity (NID resolver changes + other fixes)
Custom PSX Manual Compatiblity
Parental Level Check for ISOs
Anti NBGI Fixes (fixes a bunch of “broken” games)

This is of course, just a temporary changelog… and I’m pretty sure quite a
few things will get added to it over the following week… as we fix bugs and
prepare the release candidate for a public release.

Greetings, Coldbird.

麻煩了 感謝

→ icq7584:嗯...一樓戳到重點了= ='' 03/12 01:05
推 s86283: 呃...二樓抓到笑點了0 0/* 03/12 01:08
→ greatonizuka:三樓戳到屁眼了 03/12 01:09
推 GabrielSP:...四樓塞到馬眼了 03/12 01:12
推 realestate:..五樓長出雞眼了 03/12 01:13

Tags: 改機

All Comments

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-03-30T12:52
大意: 因為某些緣故 Pro-C進度拖延
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-03-30T13:54
所以會先發行 Pro-B4
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-04-01T04:28


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-03-29T10:41
小弟目前手上有一張猿人卡 是NDSL專用 軟體也更新到了最新版 可是最近NDSL壞了 想問一下 我的猿人卡 可以直接用再DSiLL上嗎?? 感謝大家回答!! -- 家長:『老師,你一定要幫幫我家孩子啊!他腦袋不清楚、人又笨又懶惰、 又常常被耍、還愛跟人家起鬨、重點是心地又不善 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-03-29T01:09
※ 引述《JLin1202 (胖翔~台灣黑熊代言人XD)》之銘言: : 在TVGAME360看到的 : : 有興趣的人可以看一下 : 可以自製修改器改遊戲數值,不過要能找到編碼位置就是了 : 有神人知 ...

MPlayer CE的forwarder

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-03-28T11:09
各位好,我有安裝這個網站上最新的MPlayer CE 我想把它弄在開機後的頻道頁上,所以想使用forwarder 但他的forwarder是dol的,以前只知道wad版的安裝方式,請問這如何安裝?謝謝! - ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-03-28T02:38
在TVGAME360看到的 有興趣的人可以看一下 可以自製修改器改遊戲數值,不過要能找到編碼位置就是了 有神人知道如何找編碼位置嗎XD 更新~ TVGAME360的樓主有提供編碼的網站 ht ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-03-27T23:45
全民舒暢(中英文合版) 我的韌體是5.00M33-6 已經調整成用NP9600開 也打過EBOOT 可是依然畫面全黑 請問解法是什麼呢? 感謝 - ...