青年隊抽人討論區 5/25 - 5/31 - 線上

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2013-06-03T18:28

Table of Contents

鄧 (Deng) 力凱 (Likai) is undeveloped, but it could be worth giving him
special attention in the training sessions.

陳 (Chen) 智宏 (Zhihong) didn't show up for training on time, then he lied
about the reasons. Make a note about that, coach.

陳 (Chen) 智宏 (Zhihong) was involved in many situations today, showing us
his weak Playmaking ability.

蔡 (Cai) 其凡 (Qifan) is not going to respond to Playmaking training any
more. (4/4)

If we consider both current skill and future potential, 安 (An) 小毅 (Xiaoyi)
is clearly one of the kids on the team that could have the brightest future.

When it comes to Passing, 胡 (Hu) 爍帆 (Shuofan) has the potential to become
disastrous. 下次讓他去守門看看好了 orz

I have some extra information for you regarding 陳 (Chen) 智宏 (Zhihong). He
can reach weak at Winger. (4/4 應該還有小數點可以練)

Thanks for listening. Now I'm sure you have other things to attend to.

比賽中的 SE:

77 minutes into the match, technical prodigy Kamal Al-Ataas of ghimpii scored
the 4 - 5 goal, having made 胡 (Hu) 暉隆 (Huilong) look like a complete fool.


Player Age Sp KP DF PM WI PS SC SP
胡暉隆 15.71 頭球 4/8 5/5
鄧力凱 15.84 4/- -/4
陳智宏 16.27 4/- 4/4 -/7 Infamous
安小毅 16.64 -/2 -/6 -/5 -/4 4/-

胡暉隆 215 35 90
鄧力凱 45
陳智宏 250 45 180
安小毅 215 80 180

程凱傑 聯賽x3 友誼賽x1 (高領導)

看來聯賽應該還是 PM/PS

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All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2013-06-08T16:25

邊鋒系列談 12 -- 談邊後衛球員的特技

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-06-03T14:29
本文於2011.10.21 由法羅群島玩家Maverick_Bluehair發表於Wing Market andamp; Discussion論壇 As with the wingers, this list is ordered according to the prevailing notion o ...

回鍋 魔導二轉選擇

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2013-06-03T08:27
泰拉瑪伊 淺草娃娃 隔了一年多才回來 變好多 幣值超混亂,資料、攻略、都不知道散到哪,爬文超辛苦 聽說現在時空滿悲慘,光影會比較好嗎 因為在離開前打小貓,暗抗真的是太悲慘,魔導出手又慢 如果轉光影會比較平衡嗎? 只是我看組隊大家都喊時空,我怕轉光影會找不到團 請問各位大大現在魔導走哪條路會 ...

新手指引 -- 青年隊入手概論

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-06-02T23:47
這一篇把青年隊寫的更簡單,更適合新手閱讀 球探 : 球探只是幫你媒介球員的管道, 每個禮拜你可以補進一名球員,補球員的方法是呼叫球探,球探會提供人選, 你要選擇簽不簽 左邊選單--青年隊--概述 球探有以下幾個要注意的 1. 球探要選類型以及丟到一個地方去 原則上抽任意型比較容易抽到好貨, ...

青年隊抽人討論區 6/1 - 6/7

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2013-06-02T23:31
忘了第幾抽抽到的貨。 鐘 (Zhong) 雲光 (Yunguang) (140578755) 16.02,Def ?/6,W 4/? 帳面上看起來沒什麼,沒想到YC給了雙胞胎--PM?/4,W 4/5,PS?/4 + 力量特技! 頭球以外最適合防守球員的特技! - ...

青年隊抽人討論區 6/1 - 6/7

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-06-02T11:52
第一抽 新竹 後衛 17歲 PASS 第二抽 台中 後衛 16歲 組織4/? 進球4/? PASS 第三抽 花蓮 任意 16歲 傳球3/? 邊鋒?/5 簽了 傳球和邊鋒都可以練到 高勇 16歲又40天 -- 很久沒更新的部落格 http://blog.Ayukawayen.tw ...