關於排陣限制的進一步說明 - Rocking Soccer 足球經理

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-03-24T09:29

Table of Contents


比賽和戰術: Line-up restrictions from the board
For matches in the league and group stages of tournaments it is important to
play with a strong team even if the match result is not important for your
own team. In these matches the board may veto a line-up you created if they
think it is too weak.

You will probably never get this message if you try to win all your matches.
If the board does refuse your line-up then this article can help you
understand what you have to change.

Which matches are checked by the board?

The board only checks matches in your national league and in the group stage
of the international tournaments.

Youth matches, friendlies and knockout matches are never checked.

What is and isn't allowed for the matches that are checked by the board?

- If the line-up you created is on average one star stronger than the best 11
players of your opponent then the line-up is always allowed. This means you
have a lot of freedom when you are expected still to win the match.

- Using any of your best 6 defenders, best 5 midfielders, best 3 forwards and
best keeper is always allowed.

- A loaned player can always be used.

- For all other players, the selected player is compared with the best player
you could have used on that position. The 3rd defender in your line-up is
compared with the 3rd best defender in your team. The 2nd best forward in
your line-up is compared with the 2nd best forward in your team, etc. Each
player that is one full star weaker than the player he is compared with
counts as a "weak player". Your line-up can contain no more than 3 weak

Youth players will have half their youth bonus added for this comparison. For
example, an 6-8 star youth player will count as a 7 star player.

- If you plan a substitution of a player for another player then the weakest
of the two players is used for the comparison described above.

Does this mean that everything the board allows is really allowed?

No. The main rule is that you should never lose matches on purpose. You can
still make line-ups that almost guarantee you will lose, for example by using
a very bad keeper and no central defenders.

Losing on purpose, for example to help a friend, is match fixing and this is
not allowed. If we notice this, points can be subtracted from both teams
and/or a fine can be issued.


BY 陽森 2004.11.11

Tags: 線上

All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2016-03-24T15:44
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2016-03-24T22:00
要這樣我也沒意見 不過洲際跟國際也該限制吧~


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-03-24T09:28
我們很抱歉方前排陣限制的公告讓許多經理感到困惑。似乎多數人誤解新的排陣規則所帶 來的影響,在資訊有限的情況下這是可以理解的。 如果您是盡力在每場比賽求勝的經理,那這規則可能於您而言無關緊要。您仍然在排陣方 面擁有很高的自由度。只有一件事不再可行:在您有更強的陣容的前提下,卻於正規比賽 派上全青年隊陣容。 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2016-03-24T09:17
我們新增了一些比賽佈陣時的新規則,這是因為在論壇和管理員團隊裏有大量的關於比賽 練娃允許與否的討論。 一方面,我們能够理解玩家不是所有時候都願意派上最强的11人陣容,遊戲機制鼓勵玩家 進行輪換,而且還有其他合理的原因也導致玩家不會在所有的比賽裏都派上最强的球員。 但另一方面,有時候這種情況會對其他的隊伍有不 ...

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