關於Gux離隊 SK領隊發表的聲明 - Steam

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-07-15T10:47

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SK Gaming manager Anton Budak has played down the critiques made by fnatic
and Rasmus "GuX" Stahl.

Stahl and fnatic had claimed that one of the reasons which led to the
player's unhappiness at SK Gaming was the fact that he had not received any
salary or his share of the team's winnings.

Budak says it was Stahl's own fault for this situation, as he affirms that it
is SK's policy not to pay their players unless they are legally tied down to
the organisation by contracts.
Budak認為這是Gux的問題 SK的政策是讓陣容穩定

"Gux had a contract lying at home for five months but refused to sign it.
We told him to sign it and send it to the SK offices so he could get his
salary and his prize money, but he didn't. He answered that he didn't trust
SK," Budak told rakaka.se.
Gux拒絕簽下五個月的合約 並表明他不相信SK
"We don't pay salaries if the players don't sign their contracts, that's
the way it's handled everywhere. I could easily triple his pay if he wanted
to, but loyalty and team spirit (his words, actually) are more important to
me than being the best team in the world."

"The fact that fnatic made Gux leave SK the day the team leaves for Arbalet
Dallas is completely unprofessional. To even offer him a place in the lineup
the day before we leave for Dallas must mean they are scared of us," Budak
fnatic這樣的行為很不專業 一定是因為對於SK的現況感到畏懼

"We were feeling everything was going well and they were feeling bad after
their latest efforts; I do not think they could handle that. Luckily for us,
we feel even more motivated now and we're counting the days until we can meet
them in a game.
現在 SK 會更有動力 並且在倒數與fnatic在比賽中相見的日子

"I will not go into names, but that a fnatic player consistently rushed Gux
by calling him daily right after they placed bad in two tournaments in a row
is also rotten. It wouldn't be a problem if Gux came after Arbalet and told
me he wanted to leave, but to do this just one day before the tournament is
just wrong."
我不會透露他的名字 但是有位fnatic的隊員在隊伍面臨兩次挫敗後 不斷的打給Gux
如果Gux在Arbalet後離開 這不會有任何的問題

1. Gux當初應該要簽合約 沒合約SK的確可以不認帳 就算很不道德 法律上也站得住腳

2. fnatic的行為也不太對 明明還有這麼多人可以選 非要做出這麼有爭議性的事

3. 如果Gux拖到賽後才離開 豈不是又白打一次比賽...

4. SK是豪門 但也深似海 Tentpole GTR zneel kHRYSTAL
不是黯然離開 就是離開隊伍後找到新天地(H2k昨天2:0打敗mTw!)

5. SK認為fnatic的行為是給Gux錢 要他不替SK出賽
(既然沒有合約在身 Gux離開SK也沒啥不對啊...)

6. moddii終於再次加入豪門 我很期待他的表現
(可惜不是delpan moddii GTR f0rest cArn的組合)

7. 這一次fnatic再也不能替失敗找藉口了 Gux GTR f0rest的三重奏能否再次響起

而臨時找來moddii的SK表現如何會在7/16-7/18的Arbalet Dallas見證

孔明受六尺之孤 攝一國之政 事凡庸之君
專權而不失禮 行君事而國人不疑

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-07-16T22:17
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2010-07-20T04:21
合約詳細內容一定有些不為人知的東西吧 不然幹麼不簽...
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-07-23T20:25
還是覺得fnatic 風格比較試合 gux
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-07-27T08:17
這時候就要公布合約內容 看有沒有問題了XD
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-07-27T09:31
比較像資方甲狼夠夠的感覺 科科


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-07-15T03:49
以下是GUX的聲明 內容陋陋長 但是我絕得重點就在最後面 最後因該還是因為{勞資}糾紛而選擇離開的吧 不知道是不是我有誤會他的意思 http://www.fnatic.com/news/7731/FnaticMSI-welcomes-back-Gux-amp-our-side-of-the-SK-situ ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-07-14T22:14
最近在玩 Steam CS 的時候.. 一開始進入 SV 會先下載一些音效 or 地圖.. 下載完一進入遊戲 , 就馬上跳回到桌面..????? 再切到遊戲那邊 (全銀幕) , 他把上又自動跳出..????? 之前完並不會這樣啊 , 有前輩知道這是為什麼嗎..?? -- tiMe aNd tiDe ...

Gux回fnatic ; SK緊急找來moddii代打

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-07-14T22:11
這方案恐怕沒有人會預料到 在周末的Arablet Dallas的前夕 fnatic從SK挖回Gux 而SK只好緊急找來moddii(不過他的單兵 殘局未必比不上Gux) SK的領隊則說 這樣的行為已經傷害到兩隊的關係了 而fnatic如果還是無法爬回顛峰 就不得不承認 隊伍的狀態已經下滑了 (今年的cArn ...

Razer Goliathus鼠墊(新)

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-07-14T13:35
Razer Goliathus Fragged 重裝甲蟲 全新品,由硬派提供保固 是Control edition, Medium size - 355 x 254 x 4mm(W,D,T) 因為已經有QCK mass,故售出 賣450,新竹清交附近可面交 意者站內信 -- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-07-12T00:13
推 specter1987:推一個...有時候覺得一些神人很厲害 槍都架在打不到 07/04 10:31 → specter1987:地方 07/04 10:32 推 sai0224sai:請問水準最高的是在哪個SV?我都是在官方設定排名機打的 07/04 11:06 → TAKAHIRO:public的話我 ...