關於GUX離開SK聲明.... - Steam

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-07-15T03:49

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以下是GUX的聲明 內容陋陋長



Rasmus 'Gux' Stahl:

"There are a lot of reasons why I’m back here in Fnatic. But first I want to
say that I have nothing against the SK players, they are all very friendly
and took really good care of me when I joined the team. I truly enjoyed
playing with them.
When I left Fnatic in December 2009 it was not because of any social problems
within the team it was much more complicated than that but of course it is
the easiest way to explain what happened. I think the whole Fnatic team
afterwards felt that it was a bad choice to split up. I have always had good
contact with all the players in Fnatic and we constantly talked about old
times when we met.
When f0rest came to me after ESWC and asked if I wanted to reunite with my
old team, it made me think a lot. Since I left, I have always felt that I
want to play for Fnatic and I′m glad that they now gave me the opportunity
to join the team once again. So the reason why I’m back in Fnatic is because
of the fact that I enjoyed my time there and this is where I once learned to
play "professional counter-strike" and I feel at home in Fnatic.
The main reason for me to leave SK is because we had an agreement between us
that I should cooperate with them and do my share of the agreement, still
they never fulfilled their part. This includes that they did not pay me any
salary during my time in SK and when I told them about my plans of leaving
them for Fnatic they also told me that I would not retrieve any of the prize
money. After that I gave SK an ultimatum, if they did not pay me my salary
and my prize money I would not go to the Arbalet Cup in Dallas and I would
leave as of today.
The information about me getting paid for not going to Arbalet Cup Dallas is
completely wrong, what Fnatic has offered me is to pay some of the salary and
prize money that SK declines to do and owes me"

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-07-15T20:41
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2010-07-16T09:19
看完了 雖然我沒在注意職業比賽 但是看起來SK好摳XD
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-07-17T23:08
Gux不願簽長約 而SK不願意付薪水給未簽長約的選手
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-07-21T00:16
看完了聲明 就Gux發表的內容看來 SK沒付薪水也沒獎金...
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-07-25T06:39

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