邊鋒系列談 6 -- 細談前鋒 - 線上

By Sierra Rose
at 2013-05-27T14:21
at 2013-05-27T14:21
Table of Contents
由法羅群島玩家Maverick_Bluehair發表於Wing Market & Discussion論壇
“Their number one task is to score goals, making scoring their number
one skill. Passing is also valuable, and so is winger.”
Hattrick Manual, chapter 2.
前鋒的角色,在遊戲手冊第二章陳述如下 :
All three skills contribute to your side attack rating,
while only scoring and passing contribute to your central attack rating.
When played towards wing, the Hattrick Manual says he contributes
with “more Winger, more Scoring and Passing on the side,
less Scoring and Passing in the middle.”
1. What does a Forward Contribute to the Match?
a. Forward played normal contributes to:
Central attack: 100% of his scoring plus 36.8% of his passing contribution
compared to a normal forward’s scoring contribution.
Side attack: 22.2% of his scoring contribution compared to an offensive
winger’s winger contribution plus 18% of his winger contribution compared
to an offensive winger’s winger contribution plus 12.1% of his passing
contribution compared to an offensive winger’s winger contribution.
This is spread over both sides.
中路進攻評級 : 100%的進攻技能 + 36.8%的傳球技能
邊路進攻評級 : 22.2%的進攻技能 + 18%的邊鋒技能 + 12.1%的傳球技能
b. Forward played defensive contributes to:
Central attack: 61.6% of his scoring skill contribution plus 59% of his
passing contribution compared to a normal forward’s scoring contribution.
Side attack non technical: 22.4% of his passing contribution compared to
an offensive winger’s winger contribution plus 12.4% of his scoring
contribution compared to an offensive winger’s winger contribution
plus 11.4% of his winger contribution compared to an offensive
winger’s winger contribution.
Side attack technical: 29.5% of his passing contribution compared to an
offensive winger’s winger contribution plus 12.4% of his scoring
contribution compared to an offensive winger’s winger contribution
plus 11.4% of his winger contribution compared to an offensive winger’s
winger contribution. This is spread over both sides.
Midfield: 42.9% of his playmaking contribution compared to a normal inner
midfielder’s playmaking contribution.
中路進攻評級 : 61.6%的進攻技能 + 59%的傳球技能
邊路進攻評級 : (註:會同時增加兩條邊路的進攻評級)
非技術防守型前鋒 : 12.4%的進攻技能 + 11.4%的邊鋒技能 + 22.4%的傳球技能
技術防守型前鋒 : 12.4%的進攻技能 + 11.4%的邊鋒技能 + 29.5%的傳球技能
中場評級 : 42.9%的組織進攻技能
(註: 這邊和未公佈的遊戲手冊所提供的數字有落差但不大,
c. Forward played towards wing contributes to:
Central attack: 60.8% of his scoring skill contribution plus 26.1% of his
passing contribution compared to a normal forward’s scoring contribution.
Side attack this side: 52.4% of his winger contribution compared to an
offensive winger’s winger contribution plus 44.6% of his scoring
contribution compared to an offensive winger’s winger contribution
plus 17.8% of his passing contribution compared to an offensive winger’s
winger contribution.
Side attack other side: 18.2% of his scoring contribution compared to an
offensive winger’s winger contribution.
中路進攻評級 : 60.8%的進攻技能 + 26.1%的傳球技能
邊路進攻評級 : 44.6%的進攻技能 + 52.4%的邊鋒技能 + 17.8%的傳球技能
對另外一邊邊路進攻評級 : 18.2的進球季能
8. 戰略高手 --> 9. G_Online --> 2. Hattrick
All Comments

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By Selena
at 2013-06-02T05:31
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By Leila
at 2013-06-03T21:58
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By Mason
at 2013-06-05T15:13
at 2013-06-05T15:13

By Jack
at 2013-06-09T01:17
at 2013-06-09T01:17

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at 2013-06-10T20:46
at 2013-06-10T20:46

By Kama
at 2013-06-12T13:54
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