邊鋒系列談 5 -- 細談邊後衛 - 線上

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2013-05-27T10:03

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由法羅群島玩家Maverick_Bluehair發表於Wing Market & Discussion論壇

In Chapter 2 Hattrick states that “defending is most important,
but they also benefit a lot from being good wingers.
They contribute a little with their playmaking skill,
and passing helps when counter attacking.”

邊後衛的角色,在遊戲手冊第二章陳述如下 :

The important skills for a wingback are defending, winger, playmaking
and-in certain cases-passing.
His defending skill improves your side and central defense rating.
His wing skill is only used for increasing the side attack rating.
His playmaking is used to increase the midfield rating.
His passing is only used for tactical calculations for the tactics
counterattacking, attacking in the middle and attacking on the wing.

防守技能會增加邊路防守評級以及中路防守評級 ;
邊鋒技能(只)會增加邊路進攻評級 ;
組織進攻技能會增加中場評級 ;

1. What Does A Wingback Contribute to the Match?

a. Wingback played normal contributes to:

Side defense: 91.9% of his defending contribution compared to a
defensive wingback.
Central defense: 45.0% of his defending contribution compared to
a normal central defender.
Side attack: 50.6% of his winger contribution compared to an offensive winger.
Midfield rating: 16.7% of his playmaking contribution compared to
a normal inner midfielder.

邊路防守評級 : 91.9%的防守技能
中路防守評級 : 45%的防守技能
邊路進攻評級 : 50.6%的邊鋒技能
中場評級 : 16.7%的組織進攻技能

b. Wingback played offensive contributes to:

Side defense: 69.8% of defending contribution compared to a defensive wingback.
Central defense: 38.2% of his defending contribution compared to a normal
central defender.
Side attack: 61.8% of his winger contribution compared to an offensive winger.
Midfield rating: 23.0% of his playmaking contribution compared to
a normal inner midfielder.

邊路防守評級 : 69.8%的防守技能
中路防守評級 : 38.2%的防守技能
邊路進攻評級 : 61.8%的邊鋒技能
中場評級 : 23%的組織進攻技能

c. Wingback played defensive contributes to:

Side defense: 100% of defending contribution compared to a defensive wingback.
Central defense: 47.9% of his defending contribution compared to a normal
central defender.
Side attack: 32.3% of his winger contribution compared to an offensive winger.
Midfield rating: 6.6% of his playmaking contribution compared to a
normal inner midfielder.

邊路防守評級 : 100%的防守技能
中路防守評級 : 47.9%的防守技能
邊路進攻評級 : 32.3%的邊鋒技能
中場評級 : 6.6%的組織進攻技能

d. Wingback played towards middle contributes to:

Side defense: 68.7% of defending contribution compared to a defensive wingback.
Central defense: 68.3% of his defending contribution compared to a normal
central defender.
Side attack: 27.7% of his winger contribution plus 13.1% of
his passing contribution compared to an offensive winger’s
winger contribution.
Midfield rating: 16.7% of his playmaking contribution compared
to a normal inner midfielder.

邊路防守評級 : 68.7%的防守技能
中路防守評級 : 68.3%的防守技能
邊路進攻評級 : 27.7%的邊鋒技能 + 13.1%的傳球技能
中場評級 : 16.7%的組織進攻技能




8. 戰略高手 --> 9. G_Online --> 2. Hattrick

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Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2013-05-26T20:04
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at 2013-05-26T17:41
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