請教一個Two Weapon Fighting的問題 - TRPG

By Valerie
at 2009-03-24T14:18
at 2009-03-24T14:18
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※ 引述《LiouKen (小龜)》之銘言:
: 如果我的Fighter選了Two Weapon Fighting這個feat
: 那麼我副手的武器是不是一定要選Properties裡有off-hand這個關鍵字的武器?
: 因為單從feat的敘述來說
: While holding a melee weapon in each hand, you gain a +1 bonus to damage
: rolls with your main weapon.
: 看起來像是兩手都有拿武器就可以,並沒有限定拿什麼武器的感覺
: 請不吝指教
Off-Hand: An off-hand weapon is light enough
that you can hold it and attack effectively with it
while holding a weapon in your main hand. You can't
attack with both weapons in the same turn, unless
you have a power that lets you do so, but you can
attack with either weapon.
關鍵字effectively. 在PHB中明確提到Off-hand敘述者為
遊俠的攻擊威能與Epic Feat:Two Weapon Flurry. 除此之
外並沒有提出任何必須限定持有Off-Hand property才能發
但考慮合理性, Off-Hand應該是必要的.
: 如果我的Fighter選了Two Weapon Fighting這個feat
: 那麼我副手的武器是不是一定要選Properties裡有off-hand這個關鍵字的武器?
: 因為單從feat的敘述來說
: While holding a melee weapon in each hand, you gain a +1 bonus to damage
: rolls with your main weapon.
: 看起來像是兩手都有拿武器就可以,並沒有限定拿什麼武器的感覺
: 請不吝指教
Off-Hand: An off-hand weapon is light enough
that you can hold it and attack effectively with it
while holding a weapon in your main hand. You can't
attack with both weapons in the same turn, unless
you have a power that lets you do so, but you can
attack with either weapon.
關鍵字effectively. 在PHB中明確提到Off-hand敘述者為
遊俠的攻擊威能與Epic Feat:Two Weapon Flurry. 除此之
外並沒有提出任何必須限定持有Off-Hand property才能發
但考慮合理性, Off-Hand應該是必要的.
All Comments

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