請教一個Martial_Power的Power - TRPG

By Genevieve
at 2009-02-21T09:50
at 2009-02-21T09:50
Table of Contents
: 推 LiouKen:好!馬上寫信去幹勦他!!! XDDDDDDDD 02/20 11:29
: 推 LiouKen:英文不好orz 02/20 11:40
My wise Lord
Last time you tell me that “the attack that Combat Challenge grants is
not an opportunity attack. A marked enemy who shifts and attack someone
other than my character, my fighter can attack for the shift and make a
basic attack for the attack that did not include me.” Is that truth?
The original answer:
“I should clarify the attack you make with Combat Challenge is a Melee
Basic Attack, not an opportunity attack. If a marked enemy shifts then
attacks someone other than your fighter, you would get to make a basic
melee attack for the shift, and a basic melee attack for the attack that
did not include you, providing the enemy is still within melee range after
Indeed, all of us know that “melee basic attack” is a standard action
as an at-will power (PHB 287). Moreover, in PHB 269 “actions on other
turns”, we can see there are only three types of actions we can do in
other character’s turn, opportunity actions, immediate actions, and free
At that text, the rule book express that a character only can do ONE
immediate action in ONE ROUND, and ONE opportunity action in ONE TURN.
If my fighter can respond TWO attack for a shift and an attack (because
of the Combat Challenge class feature), that means the melee basic attack
(from Combat Challenge) is free action?! Why it's "as a immediate action "
, but is free action?
If the attack I make with Combat Challenge is a Melee Basic Attack, not
an opportunity attack. How can I use a standard action several times in
other’s turn? Is that really a free action?
We hope to receive your favors at an early date.
Thanks for your answering
Yours sincerely reader
一整個亂寫...= =
: 推 LiouKen:英文不好orz 02/20 11:40
My wise Lord
Last time you tell me that “the attack that Combat Challenge grants is
not an opportunity attack. A marked enemy who shifts and attack someone
other than my character, my fighter can attack for the shift and make a
basic attack for the attack that did not include me.” Is that truth?
The original answer:
“I should clarify the attack you make with Combat Challenge is a Melee
Basic Attack, not an opportunity attack. If a marked enemy shifts then
attacks someone other than your fighter, you would get to make a basic
melee attack for the shift, and a basic melee attack for the attack that
did not include you, providing the enemy is still within melee range after
Indeed, all of us know that “melee basic attack” is a standard action
as an at-will power (PHB 287). Moreover, in PHB 269 “actions on other
turns”, we can see there are only three types of actions we can do in
other character’s turn, opportunity actions, immediate actions, and free
At that text, the rule book express that a character only can do ONE
immediate action in ONE ROUND, and ONE opportunity action in ONE TURN.
If my fighter can respond TWO attack for a shift and an attack (because
of the Combat Challenge class feature), that means the melee basic attack
(from Combat Challenge) is free action?! Why it's "as a immediate action "
, but is free action?
If the attack I make with Combat Challenge is a Melee Basic Attack, not
an opportunity attack. How can I use a standard action several times in
other’s turn? Is that really a free action?
We hope to receive your favors at an early date.
Thanks for your answering
Yours sincerely reader
一整個亂寫...= =
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