要買哪一台? - 掌機

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2005-08-18T00:08

Table of Contents

※ 引述《garbo (有PTT真好)》之銘言:
: 這篇文章寫的比較客觀,比板上護航文好多了
: Analysis: Portable Title Bout, PlayStation Portable vs. Nintendo DS
: http://www.sltrib.com/homeandfamily/ci_2625800
: Nintendo DS vs. Sony PlayStation Portable
: 1.Graphics and Sound ==>PSP勝利
: PSP graphics pummel the DS -
: they're near PlayStation 2 quality, while the DS looks dated.
: The 4.3-inch LCD screen on the PSP is a sight to behold.
: PSP speakers sound tinny, however, while the DS is louder and sounds are
: more detailed.
: 2.Gameplay ==>NDS勝利
: The Nintendo DS has a touchscreen that adds new gameplay possibilities.
: The PSP has controller buttons similar to the PlayStation 2 with a small
: flat knob that acts like a joystick and is sometimes awkward to use.
: 3.The Games ==>PSP勝利
: PSP has more than a dozen out now -
: the same number the DS had its first four months.
: Another dozen titles for the PSP will be released in the next few weeks.
: And so far, the quality of the games are superior to what's on the DS.


: 4.Price ==>NDS勝利
: The PSP is $100 more. And for $249, the PSP's "Value Pack" has headphones,
: a case and memory stick, accessories that should have been available with
: the system anyway. The games for the PSP also are expected to average about
: $10 more.
: 5.Features ==>PSP勝利
: No question the PSP is the one to be seen with.
: Its sleek black design and ability to do more than play games make it the
: closest anyone has come to creating a true iPod-killer.


: Nintendo, try as it might, still is seen as the game company for kids.


內有死胖子一枚。 (茶)


Tags: 掌機

All Comments

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2005-08-19T17:21
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2005-08-19T23:13
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2005-08-20T19:24
要比遊戲 目前還是DS大勝 PSP只贏在運動類
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2005-08-25T14:21
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2005-08-28T17:03
PSP要是遊戲勝利的話我就不會先買NDS了  ̄▽ ̄||
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2005-09-01T20:44


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2005-08-17T20:19
請推鑒一些讚的ARPG的遊戲好嗎??我現在在破王國之心~記憶的鎖練 有個快破的感覺~誰能介紹好玩的遊戲給無聊的我阿!! 順便跟我說一下價錢~ - ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2005-08-17T09:04
這篇文章寫的比較客觀,比板上護航文好多了 Analysis: Portable Title Bout, PlayStation Portable vs. Nintendo DS http://www.sltrib.com/homeandfamily/ci_2625800 Nintendo DS vs. So ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2005-08-16T22:59
家裡有一台GBC,大概1999年在飛機上買的 買的時候有送一塊正版的馬力歐..那塊是我最愛玩的遊戲 直到後來入手xbox以後才沒再碰他 今天突然心血來潮想重溫一下,結果開機都沒畫面了Q__Q 請問這樣還有沒有得救阿 Q___Q - ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2005-08-16T22:55
※ 引述《gogoamiro (暑假也是要充實低~~)》之銘言: : ~http://www.oc-gamer.com/readvarticle.asp?id=2545 : 無意間逛到的~~ : 覺得好炫喔~~ : 不過也沒什麼用吧~~~ 經過測試,目前的版本效能不高 跟GBA模擬器一樣,小弟也正在期待日後 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2005-08-16T18:33
~http://www.oc-gamer.com/readvarticle.asp?id=2545 無意間逛到的~~ 覺得好炫喔~~ 不過也沒什麼用吧~~~ - ...