要買哪一台? - 掌機

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2005-08-17T09:04

Table of Contents

Analysis: Portable Title Bout, PlayStation Portable vs. Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS vs. Sony PlayStation Portable
1.Graphics and Sound ==>PSP勝利
PSP graphics pummel the DS -
they're near PlayStation 2 quality, while the DS looks dated.
The 4.3-inch LCD screen on the PSP is a sight to behold.
PSP speakers sound tinny, however, while the DS is louder and sounds are
more detailed.

2.Gameplay ==>NDS勝利
The Nintendo DS has a touchscreen that adds new gameplay possibilities.
The PSP has controller buttons similar to the PlayStation 2 with a small
flat knob that acts like a joystick and is sometimes awkward to use.

3.The Games ==>PSP勝利
PSP has more than a dozen out now -
the same number the DS had its first four months.
Another dozen titles for the PSP will be released in the next few weeks.
And so far, the quality of the games are superior to what's on the DS.

4.Price ==>NDS勝利
The PSP is $100 more. And for $249, the PSP's "Value Pack" has headphones,
a case and memory stick, accessories that should have been available with
the system anyway. The games for the PSP also are expected to average about
$10 more.

5.Features ==>PSP勝利
No question the PSP is the one to be seen with.
Its sleek black design and ability to do more than play games make it the
closest anyone has come to creating a true iPod-killer.
Nintendo, try as it might, still is seen as the game company for kids.

Tags: 掌機

All Comments

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2005-08-19T00:59
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2005-08-22T18:10


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2005-08-16T10:17
※ 引述《alan790712 (巨蟹寶寶)》之銘言: : 現在好像有兩款比較新的主機,一個是任天堂的NDS, : 一個是SONY 的PSP,請問如果只能買一種,要買哪台呢? : 我聽說NDS的遊戲比較多,但是psp好像可以聽mp3.上網. : 看影片,但是遊戲很少..... : 還有,如果要買psp,要買7 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2005-08-16T09:29
※ 引述《archvalkyrie (燒焦布丁￾ ￾N )》之銘言: : 我個人是選NDS : 理由如下 : 1.價錢:兩台差了兩倍.4300和8800....差太多 : psp需要添購的附加配備也超貴 記憶卡超貴 : 第一次買新機 都會破萬 : 2.遊戲:上面的人 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2005-08-16T00:49
我是上個月買了NDS.. 我也像原Po一樣考慮了很久.. 也買了很多雜誌跟看網站做比較 最後讓我心動的是 NDS的原創性很高 我本身有PS2 PSP感覺遊戲重復性也太高了點 觸控式的遊戲看起來好像不過是用一支筆玩 但是玩起來真的是很容易上癮的 NDS的畫面.音效絕對不如PSP PSP比較強調是多功能 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2005-08-15T20:50
我個人是選NDS 理由如下 1.價錢:兩台差了兩倍.4300和8800....差太多 psp需要添購的附加配備也超貴 記憶卡超貴 第一次買新機 都會破萬 2.遊戲:上面的人都講過 psp遊戲大多都重複的 在家裡玩ps2就好 還比較便宜咧.... N ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2005-08-15T16:49
建議可以去巴哈看看 PSP板主要在討論如何發揮他的多樣功能 轉檔之類 NDS主要都是討論遊戲 看個人的需求囉 -- 開什麼學? 大學都不大學了! - ...