臺版都快出了卻沒完成的文字地圖 - 流亡黯道

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2014-08-05T13:12

Table of Contents

最初因為在 Submerged Passage 迷路迷兩天
但由於中途跑去 玩/回鍋 DNF LOL D3 ...等一堆遊戲

臺版要出了卻還沒完成 超囧rz

有興趣可以看一下(中文名稱是亂翻譯 別太認真)
而且版本很舊 也不知道有沒有改過 Orz



●Lioneye's Watch(獅眼牌手錶)(傳點)
├●The Twilight Strand(推奶海灘)(固定)(1/33/52)
└●The Coast(海濱)(2/33/52)
 ├●The Tidal Island(潮汐島)(3/36/58)
 └●The Mud Flats(泥巴公寓)(傳點)(4/34/52)
  ├●The Fetid Pool(惡臭泳池)(5/39/58)
  └●The Lower Submerged Passage(下層淹水通道)(傳點)(5/34/53)
   ├●The Flooded Depths(黑暗深淵)(6/37/58)
   └●The Upper Submerged Passage(上層淹水通道)(6/35/53)
    └●The Ledge(礁岩海岸)(傳點)(7/37/53)
     └●The Climb(好漢坡)(傳點)(8/37/54)
      └●The Lower Prison(下層監獄)(傳點)(9/37/54)
       └●The Upper Prison(上層監獄)(10/37/54)
        └●The Warden's Quarters(典獄長宿舍)(固定)(10/37/54)
         └●The Warden's Chambers(典獄長香閨)(固定)(10/37/54)
          └●Prisoner's Gate(囚犯大門)(傳點)(11/38/55)
           └●The Ship Graveyard(鬼船墳場)(傳點)(12/38/55)
            ├●The Ship Graveyard Cave(鬼船墳場的通道)(13/39/59)
            └●The Coves(通道)(13/39/55)
             └●The Cavern of Wrath(憤怒洞穴)(傳點)(14/39/55)
              └●The Cavern of Anger(怒火洞穴)(15/40/56)
               └●Merveil's Lair(海妖巢穴)(15/40/56)
                 └●The Forest Encampment(森林營地)(傳點)

●The Forest Encampment(森林營地)(傳點)
├●The Riverways(河道)(16/41/57)
│├●The Blackwood(黑木林)(傳點)(18/42/57)
││├●The Weaver's Chambers(紡織者的巢穴)(20/43/58)
│││└●The Weaver's Nest(紡織者的隱匿處)(20/43/58)
││└●The Western Forest(西方森林)(傳點)(21/44/58)
│└●The Vaal Ruins Level 1(挖耳遺址)

└●The Old Fields(荒廢田野)(16/41/57)
 ├●The Den(巢穴)(大咪咪)(17/42/61)
 └●The Crossroads(十字路口)(傳點)(17/42/57)
  ├●The Chamber of Sins Level 1(罪惡議院第一層)(19/43/58)(西北)
  │└●The Chamber of Sins Level 2(罪惡議院第二層)(傳點)(20/43/58)
  │ └●The Chamber of Sins Level 3(罪惡議院第三層)(21/44/59)
  ├●The Broken Bridge(斷橋)(傳點)(21/44/58)(東北)
  └●The Fellshrine Ruins(墮落神社遺址)(18/42/59)(東南)
   └●The Chamber of Sins Level 1(罪惡議院第一層)(19/43/58)
    └●The Crypt Level 1(地穴第一層)(傳點)(21/43/60)
     └●The Crypt Level 2(地穴第二層)(22/44/61)


The Nice Boat(鮮血的結末)
 → 選角創名設聯盟

The Twilight Strand(木瓜海灘)(固定)(1/33/52)
 → 撿垃圾打死活死人(任務:Dying Exile)
 → 殺死 Hillock(任務:Enemy at the Gate)

Lioneye's Watch(獅眼牌手錶)(傳點)
 → 嘴砲一輪拿 Enemy at the Gate 的獎賞
 → (Tarkleigh -> Hillock Reward)

The Coast(海濱)(2/33/52)
 → The Tidal Island(潮汐島)(3/36/58)
 → 殺 Hailrake 撿 Medicine Chest(任務:Mercy Mission)
 → (Nessa -> Medicine Chest Reward)
 → (Bestel -> Medicine Chest Reward)

The Coast(海濱)(2/33/52)

The Mud Flats(泥巴公寓)(傳點)(4/34/52)
 → 三雞巢撿 Glyph 塞到 Strange Glyph Wall(任務:Breaking Some Eggs)
 → (Tarkleigh -> Glyph Chest Reward)
  → The Fetid Pool(惡臭泳池)(5/39/58)
  → 殺光所有敵人(任務:A Dirty Job)(致敬)

The Lower Submerged Passage(下層淹水通道)(傳點)(5/34/53)
 → The Flooded Depths(黑暗深淵)(6/37/58) 殺螃蟹 The Deep Dweller
 → (任務:The Flooded Depths)
 → (Tarkleigh -> Dweller Reward)

The Lower Submerged Passage(下層淹水通道)(傳點)(5/34/53)
The Upper Submerged Passage(上層淹水通道)(6/35/53)
The Ledge(礁岩海岸)(傳點)(7/37/53)
The Climb(好漢坡)(傳點)(8/37/54)
The Lower Prison(下層監獄)(傳點)(9/37/54)
 → The Upper Prison(上層監獄)(10/37/54)
 → The Warden's Chambers(典獄長香閨)(固定)
 → The Warden's Quarters(典獄長宿舍)(固定)
 → 殺掉 Brutus, Lord Incarcerator(任務:The Caged Brute)
 → (Tarkleigh -> Brutus Reward)
Prisoner's Gate(囚犯大門)(傳點)(11/38/55)
The Ship Graveyard(船之墳場)(傳點)(12/38/55)
 → 跟 Captain Fairgraves 講話
 → The Ship Graveyard Cave(鬼船墳場的通道)(13/39/59)
 → 殺掉 王 (任務:The Siren's Cadence)
 → 戳 Slave Girl 撿 Allflame (任務:The Marooned Mariner)

The Ship Graveyard(船之墳場)(傳點)(12/38/55)
 → 跟 Captain Fairgraves 講話後打爆他 (任務:The Marooned Mariner)
 → The Coves(通道)(13/39/55)

The Cavern of Wrath(憤怒洞穴)(傳點)(14/39/55)
 → The Cavern of Anger(怒火洞穴)(15/40/56)
 → Merveil's Lair(海妖巢穴)
 → 殺掉 王

=== ACT 2 ===

The Southern Forest(南方森林)(傳點)(15/40/57)

The Forest Encampment(森林營地)(傳點)

The Old Fields(荒廢田野)(16/41/57)
 → The Den(巢穴)(大咪咪)(17/42/61)
 → 殺 The Great White Beast (任務:The Great White Beast)

The Crossroads(十字路口)(傳點)(17/42/57)
 → The Chamber of Sins Level 1(罪惡議院第一層)(19/43/58)(西北)(左上)
  → The Chamber of Sins Level 2(罪惡議院第二層)(傳點)(20/43/58)(樓梯向下)
   → The Chamber of Sins Level 3(罪惡議院第三層)(21/44/59)(樓梯向下)
   → 殺王點車撿石救低領露溝妹(任務:Intruders in Black)
   → (殺Fidelitas 點Strange Device 撿Baleful Gem 救Helena )

 └●The Crossroads(十字路口)(傳點)(17/42/57)
  ├●The Chamber of Sins Level 1(罪惡議院第一層)(19/43/58)(西北)
  │└●The Chamber of Sins Level 2(罪惡議院第二層)(傳點)(20/43/58)
  │ └●The Chamber of Sins Level 3(罪惡議院第三層)(21/44/59)
  ├●The Broken Bridge(斷橋)(傳點)(21/44/58)(東北)
  └●The Fellshrine Ruins(墮落神社遺址)(18/42/59)(東南)
   └●The Chamber of Sins Level 1(罪惡議院第一層)(19/43/58)
    └●The Crypt Level 1(地穴第一層)(傳點)(21/43/60)
     └●The Crypt Level 2(地穴第二層)(22/44/61)

The Forest Encampment(森林營地)(傳點)
 → The Riverways(河道)(16/41/57)
 → The Blackwood(黑木林)(傳點)(18/42/57)
 → The Weaver's Chambers(紡織者的巢穴)(20/43/58)
 → The Weaver's Nest(紡織者的隱匿處)(20/43/58)
 → 殺 The Weaver (任務:Sharp and Cruel)
 → The Western Forest(西方森林)(傳點)(21/44/58)
 → 殺 Captain Arteri 拿鑰匙開門 (任務:The Way Forward)


Tags: PoE

All Comments

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2014-08-07T09:11
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2014-08-10T21:47
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-08-15T06:39
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2014-08-19T05:46
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2014-08-20T00:43
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-08-24T08:40
老手當然沒差 但你確定新手用不到?
George avatar
By George
at 2014-08-27T16:43
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2014-08-31T16:58
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2014-09-04T13:21
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2014-09-07T15:39
不錯阿 希望能變全中文
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2014-09-07T21:01
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2014-09-08T12:30
對第一次玩得很有用 0.0b
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2014-09-09T00:26


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2014-08-05T10:34
翻譯的部分官方翻譯人員和產品經理有出來解釋了 http://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=18966andamp;snA=22347andamp;tnum=27andamp;page=2 Hi 大家好, 我是《流亡黯道》的產品經理 Earvin,我說明一下《流亡黯道》繁中版整個 ...

各種武器的 基本攻速 與 最高上限攻速?

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2014-08-05T03:29
精華區與討論好像很少提到這個… 是因為攻速好撐嗎? 小弟滿想知道各武器之間的攻速差別 有沒有前輩知道 或是有網址數據可供參考的? 感謝。 -- Sent from my Android - ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-08-05T02:07
請問雙持劍還是雙持劍斧好呢 決鬥前期要怎麼渡過比較好? 我爬到的文都偏後期 新手適合什麼職業拓荒呢? -- Sent from my Android - ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2014-08-04T23:59
連結:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSxEFm9Oe-o 主要是給新加入的人一些商店相關的流亡知識 接下來也會做一系列的小知識系列 盡量簡單講(吧XD ---以下騙騙P幣--- 中文版看起來還蠻親切的~XD 第一次玩 野蠻人 一整個感覺沒輸出阿XD 不過 ...

Gamespot 1.2 Forsaken masters影片

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2014-08-04T23:34
Gamespot Reveals Third Master: Elreon, Loremaster http://ppt.cc/Z9ul Gamespot放出一個關於第三位Forsaken master、關於master side quest的戰鬥畫面 以及文章裡有說到其他的任務進行方式(第三段)。 影 ...